The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1185 Looking for Chapter 1185 : I've tried my best

Chapter 1185 Looking for Chapter 1185 : I've tried my best

Wei Yeshi can't go back to her natal home a few times a year. Since her elder brother Ye Shitian built a courtyard alone, she takes her daughter back to her natal home from time to time. He wanted to marry his daughter to Ye Mancang.

It's a pity that she tried her best, but failed to accomplish both goals.

Fortunately, she can take advantage of it every time and go back, which makes her toughen up a lot in front of her mother-in-law and husband-in-law.

Wei Yongfu, Wei Ye's husband-in-law, is a muddleheaded man. He doesn't do his usual business every day, and he doesn't even care about the work in the farmer's field, leaving it all to his brothers and his wife.

The family was so poor that he couldn't even bear to eat oil and salt, he didn't care about it, he just calculated where to buckle some money to buy wine and drink, and even stole eggs from the house from time to time, which made his parents want to take it away. They shared a room and lived alone.

Such an incomprehensible husband-in-law at Wei Ye's stall was not less angry and fought a lot. She was hot-tempered, and Wei Yongfu was a stingy one. The couple often fought without a few words.

No matter how strong a woman is, she is not as strong as a man.

Back and forth to fight, Wei Yeshi was injured all over his body.

At the very beginning, she called the five Ye Shitian brothers to help, and beat Wei Yongfu all over the place.

But that man's temper was like a stone in a latrine, smelly and hard, once her family beat him, he beat Wei Yeshi ten times, every time he beat him to death.

Wei Yeshi, who felt that her natal family was prosperous and strong, was finally defeated by the ruthless fist of her husband.

Leng is the one who tossed the hot-tempered person out of his temper, and was held in the palm of his hand, allowing him to pinch and flatten him.

Several sisters-in-law take turns doing housework at home, and do needlework at other times, but she has to do housework at home, as well as work in the farm. She is as busy as a spinning top every day, stopping for a while. not come down.

The men and gentlemen in the other houses would find something to do during the slack season. After handing in the public office, they could leave a few copper coins to save some private money, and it would be cheaper to add some small things to their children.

But when they wanted to find a copper plate for scraping, they didn't have it.

Wei Yeshi had no choice but to focus on her natal family. Every time she went back to her natal family, it was like locusts crossing the border, pulling away all the things they could find.

But at that time, Lao Ye's family was also very poor, and the so-called good things of Lao Yuan's family were not valuable things. Wei Yongfu often satirized her for bringing a bunch of junk home.

After Ye Shitian's family became active, even a little touching of small things could be worth ten or twenty copper coins.

After the Yuanyuan chrysanthemum bonsai was brought home by Wei Yeshi, Wei Yongfu exchanged it with someone for a jar of spirits, so that he could get over his alcohol addiction.

Since then, Wei Ye's treatment has improved a lot.

There were even two times when Wei Yongfu won the reward with someone who did not know, he generously gave half of it to her, saying that it was to make two decent clothes for his daughter.

In fact, what he meant was that the girl's clothes were too shabby, and that kid Ye Mancang would look down on her.

Therefore, Wei Shi made up his mind even more, marrying his daughter back to Lao Ye's house, and hugged Da Fang's thick legs tightly.

Unfortunately it backfired.

He was also deeply shocked by Dafang's generosity.

unwilling to have it;

Jealousy exists;

What's more, I want to find out where Dafang's money comes from.

Before, she was busy with a lot of work, even if she went back to her mother's house, she didn't have time to stay, especially in winter when the weather was cold and she was wearing thin clothes. In the season when the dripping water turned into ice, she stayed at home almost every day without moving. Ye Shitian and his brothers guarded against her, and she never knew how her natal family got so excited.

Ye Mancang's wedding was grand and ostentatious, not to mention her, even Wei Yongfu was jealous, so he specially told her mother and father not to rush home.

The meaning is obvious, so she must understand the way of Lao Ye's family to make a fortune.

Wei Ye himself thought the same way, he was very caring, the first thing he saw after waking up was to go to the vegetable garden to see what happened.

As a result, she was dumbfounded by the slices of leeks.

This kind of wild wild grow is a good thing, and it can also make money?
(End of this chapter)

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