The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1188 Why Do I Smell Cake?

Chapter 1188 Why Do I Smell Cake?

With her hands full, He Xiner pushed open the cotton curtain of the main room with her elbows, and carefully carried the food into the room.

"Hehe, Second Aunt is the most blessed person in our Ye Family Village..."

After a pause, He Xiner seriously considered whether to withdraw first.

It's almost noon now, she only thinks that the mother and daughter of the Wei family have already left, but they are still sitting safely in the inner room.

The reason why the last pot of cake was delivered to the upper room was also because she didn't want to see the mother and daughter, and she was really panicked.

"Second girl, are you outside? Why do I smell cake?"

He Xiner's eyes widened suddenly.

Is her sister-in-law a dog?

There is a dining room for eating between the main hall and the inside, and there are tight cotton curtains on the door of the inside.

How could she smell it from such a long distance?
Compared with Dabai, it's not bad.

Ye osmanthus didn't have a good breakfast, her stomach was already hungry, and she was disturbed by Wei Qiufang's pestering, so she kept looking out through the window with a slit, and happened to see He Xiner holding fried dough sticks, Cake's go under the eaves.

Her stomach was rumbling, she was looking forward to a good bite, she couldn't help it.

"Second girl, come in quickly, I'm about to starve to death!"

Ye Guihua had already jumped off the kang, lifted the cotton curtain of the inner door high, and stared at the cake in her hand with bright eyes.

Well, her sister-in-law is a god-man.

He Xiner rolled her eyes.

The food she worked so hard to cook, she really didn't want to give it to the mother and daughter of the Wei family.

"Hey, the food at Second Aunt's house is really exquisite. The golden ones are so beautiful, and the smell is so good..."

Wei Yeshi tried hard not to swallow his saliva, laughed exaggeratedly, and flattered old Qianshi hard, but there was a rumble in his stomach.

She lived a long time, but it was the first time she smelled such a good smell, it almost took her soul away.

Old Qian, who was depressed and panicked, had no intention of talking to Wei Ye, who was close to her, but this woman's mouth was like honey, and she made her very comfortable with her sweet words. The panic in my heart also unknowingly dissipated a lot.

Therefore, she was not in a hurry to chase him away, and let the other party be flattering.

Wei Qiufang kept pestering Ye Osmanthus, asking about this and that, about Ye Xusheng, and Ye Osmanthus was so annoyed that she wanted to kick her away.

Now that the meeting is over, the moment the salty fried dough sticks and sweet cakes are placed on the kang table, Wei Qiufang's eyeballs are automatically glued to them, and she doesn't even look at the round and fat Ye Osmanthus fragrans.

Wei Yeshi quietly tugged at the corner of her daughter's skirt, reminding her to restrain herself.

Ordinarily, Wei Qiufang is quite scheming, she shouldn't stare at that point with such bare eyes, she is planning to marry into Lao Ye's family, so she should always hold it in front of Lao Qian's, very Pay attention to the rules of etiquette.

But it is too difficult for a half-grown child who has eaten corn bread for more than ten years to remain indifferent in front of delicious food.

Don't look at this simple snack, for girls, it is more attractive than the meat at the banquet~
Although her family is poor, she can still eat a few bites of pork during the Chinese New Year.

The pigs are raised at home, and they are killed by someone during the Chinese New Year, the good meat is sold, and the bones and internal organs are kept for the family to eat.

Moreover, at Ye Mancang's wedding banquet, she really ate meat until she was full.

If He Xin'er served meat, she could barely hold her own, but the cakes and fritters she made were something she had never seen before.

The triangular yellow cake and the big golden fried dough sticks are amazing enough, not to mention the unique aroma, like invisible little claws, hooking and hooking, how can she resist it?

(End of this chapter)

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