The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1189 It Doesn't Harm To Be Careful

Chapter 1189 It Doesn't Harm To Be Careful
The corners of He Xiner's eyes twitched.

"Grandma, where is my grandfather?"

"Maybe he went to the vegetable garden."

Wei Ye's spirits perked up suddenly, "What kind of rare thing does Second Aunt grow at home?"

Old Qian raised her head and gave her a shy look, and said angrily, "Leek."

Wei Yeshi was embarrassed, and forced the corners of his mouth to smile, "Leeks are good, leeks are good, making dumplings is the tastiest, hehe..."


The huge roar came from Wei Qiufang's stomach.

Because at this time, Ye Guihua had already raised her little finger, pinched a piece of cake Shi Shiran, and then bit it down...

He Xiner's capitalized clothes.

Come on, she's not in the mood to watch the show, so let's withdraw.

"Grandma, Aunt Cao is still frying fried dough sticks. I'll help. When the fried dough sticks are ready, I'll serve the meal."

"Well, let's go."

Old Qian didn't want to look at her.

The attitude is surprisingly good.

Taking advantage of old Qian's speech, Wei's mother and daughter secretly exchanged glances, and it seems that they should leave when everyone said that dinner was about to be set.

But, but, one of them didn't see Ye Xusheng, both of them were a little bit unwilling, and the delicious food in front of them made them not want to move.

"By the way, let's make dumplings to eat at night, and ask your mother to make the stuffing, with three delicacies of leek and meat."

He Xiner taught her mother the stuffing of Laoshizi, leek, meat and three delicacies. Her mother knew it as soon as she learned it, and the stuffing was more delicious than hers.

He Xiner, who had already lifted the cotton curtain and leaned forward, immediately walked out of the room, rolled her eyes speechlessly, then turned around with a decent smile, "Oh, I see."

Without further delay, I hurried out of the upper room.

Looking up at the sun in the sky, He Xiner frowned slightly.

At this time, the uncle's family and her father should be back.

After thinking about it for a while, she lost the interest in helping in the kitchen. She walked back to Xikua courtyard, and met two mothers and daughters, Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Liu, and He Xiner sent them outside the gate of the house.

Mrs. Wang was probably packing up her things, but she didn't come out. The villain Wang Jinling didn't know where she and Dabai went.

Both Cuizhi and Yuanyuan were a little nervous, "Xin'er hurry home."

"Dabai and sister Ling'er went out to play, you stay at home and don't move around."

He Xiner was both funny and moved.

"Standing at the door of your own house, what's the point? You two are too fussy."

"It never hurts to be careful."

"Be obedient."

"Yes, yes, listen to my sister."

Bai Shi and Liu Shi didn't care what lawsuits the girls were fighting, they chatted happily, "Sister-in-law is too impatient, the new daughter-in-law just made progress yesterday, and you are going to pay homage to Guanyin, what do you think of calling the new daughter-in-law?" ?”

"Hey, I've already made up my mind. Let's find a good day. Let's go together as a partner. We just say that we are going to seek safety..."

He Xiner met Ye Yuanyuan and Guan Cuizhi face to face, but they were all speechless.

There are still people who are so impatient, there is no one else.

Ye Yuanyuan even felt that her teeth were sour. Her mother's thoughts were all on her grandson. She didn't wash her face for three days, so her mother probably couldn't tell.

On the contrary, he stared at her brother's black face every day with great enthusiasm, and he didn't know what to see.

Back then, as long as she deliberately made a small temper, her mother would scold her brother bloody, so let's not mention the pride in her heart at that time.

She is the treasure in the palm of the mother, and the elder brother is the little grass by the roadside.

It's almost time to tune in!
Ye Yuanyuan wanted to cry.


He Xiner absentmindedly went back to the West Courtyard. The East Wing was locked, and she didn't see her mother, so she probably went to help in the kitchen.

It's really strange, it's already noon, why father hasn't come back yet.

Thinking of the time when she met the robbers on the road, she immediately fidgeted.

Oops, Dabai should be asked to accompany his father to the town.

Speaking of which, her father and uncle have been delivering groceries every day for more than two years. It has been going smoothly, and there has never been any trouble. Everyone has gotten used to it and lost the initial vigilance.

It's also strange, Pingning Town has always been peaceful, and I haven't heard of people robbing passers-by before, and those robbers don't know where they came from.

Just thinking about it like this, walking around the room again and again, He Xiner broke out in a thin layer of sweat in the cold February day.

(End of this chapter)

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