The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1190 I have bought everything today

Chapter 1190 I have bought everything today

"Sister Xin'er, it's time to eat."

The crisp voice of the little cousin sounded in the yard, as well as the sound of footsteps running away.

He Xiner hurried out of the Xikua courtyard, not caring about feeding the great ancestor first, and went straight to the upper room.



Originally, he wanted to see if the eldest brother was there, but he was pleasantly surprised to find that both his father and uncle were there.

"Why did you come back so late today? Are you okay on the way?"

Ye Laijin's eyes were deep, looking at her well-behaved niece, she felt very distressed.

On the other hand, Ye Laiyin's eyes were reddened. Ever since he found out about his daughter's accident in the morning, his heart had been tugging. If it wasn't for fear that Mrs. Wang would be suspicious if he suddenly stopped delivering food in the town, he didn't even want to run away that day. trip.

"Come here, girl."

Hoarse voice, deep and depressed.

He Xiner understands well.

It's not a good feeling in my heart.


The nose was sore, and the tears were already streaming down.

Just when the two fathers were about to lose control of their emotions, the voices of Wang Shi and Cao Shi talking and laughing came from outside, which made the father and father wipe away the teardrops from the corners of their eyes in a hurry, and made a fuss.


He Xiner was amused by her father's anxious appearance. Can you imagine a tall and broad old man with a dark face, straight eyebrows and eyes, looking anxious?
It was very cute.

Afterwards, the father and two laughed at each other.

Ye Laijin's mood improved accordingly.

"Why are you so happy?"

Holding a bamboo dustpan full of fried dough sticks with a smile on her face, Wang raised the curtain to look at the people.

Seeing her mother picking up the curtain with one hand and carrying things with the other, He Xiner hurried over to help pick it up, and sent it to the dining room with Mrs. Cao who was carrying the ceramic basin.

"Girl, come and see the treasure I bought for my daughter."

Ye Laiyin smiled and took out four or five brocade bags and two brocade boxes from the purse he carried with him.

Mrs. Wang glanced at her husband with some puzzlement, feeling something was wrong, but he lowered his eyes, but he didn't see anything wrong.

"Why did you buy so many items?"

Asking this question, Mrs. Wang definitely didn't feel sorry for Yin Zi.

Because on weekdays, Ye Laiyin seldom buys things for his daughter, and only gives her money or banknotes. He said that he is a big boss who doesn't understand the little girl's thoughts, and that he is not good at it, and he is afraid of buying it. My daughter doesn't like things.

When he went to the county town to sell dolls, Zhang Tieniu saw that he happily bought a golden hairpin for his daughter-in-law, but he couldn't make up his mind what to buy for his daughter, so he suggested something to him.

Facts have proved that Zhang Tieniu's vision is very good, and he is also knowledgeable. He Xiner is very rare for the brass hand stove with lotus pattern, and she loves it so much.

Cough, cough, far away~

"That, that..."

Ye Laiyin was momentarily at a loss for words.

It was Ye Laijin who took it with a smile, "Pingning Town is very lively today. There is a silver house doing activities, and everything is discounted by [-]%. I drove the mule cart back to pick you two up for a stroll."

He glanced at his second younger brother who was smarter than him on weekdays, and continued to talk nonsense without changing his face, "But I heard people say that the discounted event ends at noon..."

Ye Laiyin, who was despised by his elder brother, is quite flexible once his brain is functioning normally.

"Hey, I don't seem to have time to pick you up, so I bought a few things on my own."

The dignified and stable elder Ye's eldest son rolled his eyes at the cheeky second brother, silently watching him talk nonsense.

"Girl, come and see if you like anything."

Ye Laiyin happily opened a brocade bag, and casually called out, "Look at the baby girl too."

Then the couple stared dumbfounded at him picking out things one by one, "Peachwood sword, peachwood axe, peachwood comb, peachwood basket, peachwood Ping An card, peachwood small gourd, peachwood rich fish pendant, peachwood..."

"Father, father, please stop, you have bought so many mahogany objects, why are there several of each kind?"

"Oh, this mahogany sword and mahogany ax also belong to Xu Sheng and Xu Yang, and the mahogany comb, mahogany peace card and other items belong to you, the eldest girl, Ling'er girl, and your sister-in-law."

He Xiner fell down.

My father is doing wholesale business.

"Didn't that mean the Silver Building?"

"Don't worry, baby, I bought them all."

"As the saying goes, gold can suppress fear, silver can ward off evil spirits, and jade can keep you safe. I bought them all today..."

Wei Yeshi and Wei Qiufang, who listened to the scene with their ears upright, almost rolled their eyes and fell to the ground.

 I wish all book friends a happy National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival!
(End of this chapter)

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