Chapter 1191 It Must Be Fun

The mother and daughter, who had the cheek to stay on, finally ate the delicious fried dough sticks and sweet cake under the eyes of old Qian's charity, and they were both full of emotion.

Old Ye's family is worthy of being the richest man in Ye's Village. The house is spacious and dignified, and the furnishings in the house are magnificent and expensive. There is nothing to say about the food. Such expensive and exquisite goodies are just snacks during meals...

Ah, I don't want to leave, what should I do?
Just like that, the mother and daughter continued to flatter the old Qian and his wife without saying a word. Knowing that it was noon, they pretended to be confused and did not move their nests.

Ye Guihua was very annoyed, and was about to turn her face and chase someone away, when she heard her elder brother and second elder brother talking in the main hall.

She hesitated for a moment, wondering if her father was outside.

After that incident, her father was already in a bad mood, if she made trouble again, she might anger her father.

After measuring it left and right, I finally gave up the idea of ​​finding fault.

The bottom of my heart is very unhappy.

The two pairs of mother and daughter pricked up their ears to listen to the movement in the main hall.

Then, the four of them were all surprised by Ye Laiyin's big handwriting.

Ye Guihua was the first to react, and immediately burst into joy, "Mother, I have new jewelry."

As he spoke, he quickly jumped off the kang and ran out with a thump.

Wei Yeshi and Wei Qiufang's mother suddenly felt itchy.


At this time, the main hall was very lively.

I don't know when, Xiaoqian, Ye Feifeng, and Xiao Xuyang all gathered in the upper room, plus Ye Guihua, and Wang Jinling who had finished feeding Dabai, all looked at it happily.

Even Xiao Xuyang held a mahogany ax with bright eyes, playing with relish.

The Wei family couldn't help it, and they instigated old Qian to watch the fun together.

Then, looking straight into the red eyes.

"Xu Sheng's and Xu Yang's peach wood sword, peach wood axe, peach wood peace card, peach wood rich fish are the same, and Xu Yang has a small silver bell..."

"Osmanthus fragrans, Feng girl, Ling girl and Xin'er, in addition to the mahogany items, each of them has a small silver bell, a small golden gourd, and a sapphire safety buckle..."

Taomu Ping An brand, sapphire Ping An buckle?

He Xiner didn't know what to say, my father was really ingenious.

What she met was a bad guy, a bad guy with a wicked mind and a ruthless heart, what kind of evil did she drive away?
While voicing joyfully, he was completely moved.

He Xiner's heart is so sweet~
Wei Qiufang stood beside Old Qian, pulling the old handkerchief tightly.

Thinking of what he said to He Xiner and the sisters for being shabby earlier, I feel so regretful that my stomach turns green.

Why didn't you keep your mouth shut at that time.

And Wei Ye suddenly understood why the family members of Bai, Ning and others were more enthusiastic about the second wife of Lao Ye's family than the elder family.

Together, they already knew that Ye Laiyin was rich.

"Is it okay for my cousin to wear a bell around her waist?"

He Xiner smiled and took Wang Jinling's little fleshy hand, she was very happy.

"I thought it would be fun to hang it on my shoes and it would keep ringing when I run."

"This bell is a bit bigger. I'll buy a pair of smaller ones when I go back to the town. I can hang them on my shoes. You can also wear the one with a ring of small bells on your hair..."

"Okay, okay, let's go to Wanbao Silver Building to buy, okay?"

"Okay, let's go to Wanbao Silver Building."

"Miss Xin'er is the best!"

"Hey, I suddenly had a brilliant idea."

"Say it, say it."

"How about buying a bigger silver bell for Dabai? Hang it around its neck and shake it as you walk. It must be very fun."

"I'm afraid Dabai won't like it..."

Wei Qiufang bit her lower lip hard, tried her best to maintain her rationality, and tried her best to control her emotions. She was still in a trance, feeling unreal like a dream.

(End of this chapter)

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