Chapter 1192 Just Buy That
Even the young Wei Ye felt like he was dreaming, and for a while he couldn't care less about flattering old Qian and Xiao Qian's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Miss He Xiner played with the little bell happily, and Ye Guihua and Ye Feifeng happily played with the sapphire safety buckle and the little golden gourd.

Mrs. Wang was holding a basket of peach pits with a smile on her face, and was whispering something to her husband-in-law;
Ye Laijin personally hugged his youngest son and played with him with a mahogany axe.

The old god of the old Qian family took the largest peach wood Fugui fish, and said, "This fish is well carved."

Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin didn't want to talk to her, Little Qian rolled her eyes, thinking about how to speak, and wanted a little gold gourd and sapphire safety buckle for her two sons.

Hmph, the second child of the two most expensive men in Lao Ye's family was sent away by a bunch of worthless mahogany, what a good idea!
"Oh, no matter how well carved that thing is, it's not worth a lot of money. How can gold gourds and sapphire safety buckles be so valuable?"

Ye Laijin's face darkened.

"Shut up if you can't speak, don't make me angry."

Xiaoqian was resentful and didn't dare to say more.

People in Lao Ye's family are used to this kind of thing, and they didn't do anything about it. Mrs. Wang accepted her mother-in-law's words softly, "If mother likes it, you can hang it on the kang head for mother? Just listen to the name of this rich fish. It's auspicious, and it's made of mahogany, and it can also ward off evil spirits, so it's most suitable for my mother."

The person who was originally a drooping old face with a fierce look in his eyes, who was about to get violent at any time, didn't know what to think at this moment, but he smiled lightly, "Just listen to the second family, hang on the kang."

Wei Yeshi was so shocked that he became numb.

Ye Laiyin, who didn't want to talk to Lao Qian's, saw that his mother's attitude was pretty good, and was satisfied, so he waved his hand, "This pair of Fugui fish is a bit small after all, I'll buy a pair of big ones for my parents tomorrow..."

As he spoke, he stretched out his arms and made gestures, which looked like they were two feet long, "There is a pair of this big mahogany rich fish, the carving is very exquisite, there is a white jade gourd on the long colored thread at the hem, and there is another A string of big copper coins looks expensive..."

Ye Laijin smiled and said, "But it's worth a lot of silver, so it's naturally expensive..."

Ouch, it's rare to see these two sons talking to my mother like this.

Old Qian gave Wang a sour look, but she was very happy with the generosity of her second son, and it was the first time she heard that there was such a valuable thing, so excited that she almost jumped up.

"Just buy that, just buy that, and the second child will forget it."

"Don't worry, mother, I won't forget."

Therefore, old Qian was even more satisfied.

Ye Laiyin's eyes flashed.

He wanted to buy Naoshizi mainly for his father, his mother was just incidental.

I didn't expect it at all, I only cared about the young people.

It was his own daughter-in-law who talked about it that made him change his mind.

Hang a big mahogany ornament for his father, to suppress shock and avoid evil, so as to save him from thinking wildly.

Just as they were talking lively, Mrs. Cao had already set out the meal, and came over and asked, "Madam, is the meal ready now?"

"Huh? Where did my dad go?"

Before he finished speaking, Ye Xusheng raised the cotton curtain in front of him, and old Ye Tou walked in steadily.

He Xiner secretly raised her eyebrows.

Her grandfather is in good spirits.

Since the big cousin didn't talk about the death of those bad guys before, he won't talk about it now.

The radiant look of the old man is really puzzling.

"Let's have dinner."

The head of the family walked in all directions with full momentum.

Then, the whole family got up, those who were about to wash their hands, and those who were about to enter the dining room...

Wei Yeshi and Wei Qiufang's mother and daughter, who were dizzy and in a daze, stood stupidly, neither walking nor staying.

He Xiner turned a blind eye.

Everyone else didn't care.

Old Qian, who was waiting on airs for Mrs. Cao to wipe her hands with a wet towel, suddenly found Mrs. Wei's mother and daughter, "Huh? Why are Juxiang and his wife still here?"

(End of this chapter)

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