Chapter 1193 Rare Scholars
Wei Yeshi blushed with embarrassment.

Is this old godly woman trying to embarrass her on purpose?
Isn't it time to happily enjoy her flattery?

She had a lot of good things to say, and she was so tired that her voice was almost hoarse. Is it easy for her?
"Ha ha……"

"Big cousin! You're back!"

The voice of a girl with infinite shyness and infinite surprise sounded~

Wei Qiufang, who has been fascinated by the wealth of Lao Ye's family, is a little impatient.

She wants to live a good life, and she wants to marry her big cousin!

After a series of shocks, her belief is extremely firm!

Just when she was full of pride and vowed to take down the grandson of Lao Ye's parents in one fell swoop, Toshiro Toyotoshi's ideal man suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, and she was so excited that she almost jumped on him.

Such a slightly shy, but also extremely admiring gesture was already made by her with great restraint and careful planning.

She just wants her eldest cousin to see how good she is. She adores and adores him so much, and all her infatuation is tied to his heart!
Big cousin will definitely be moved~
He Xiner got goosebumps all over the place.

The little girl Wang Jinling next to her was about to speak out against others reflexively, but she was keenly aware of it, squeezed her little fleshy hand vigorously, and gave her cousin a wink.

The villain had no choice but to give up in anger.

Although He Xin'er didn't want to see a girl from the Wei family, she couldn't do anything to embarrass others in front of the whole family.

What's wrong with a young girl who is just beginning to fall in love with an outstanding and handsome young man?
Attacking others with this is really inappropriate.

Moreover, from her point of view, that woman is doomed to be disappointed, neither the elders in the family nor the big brother would like her.

Who told her mother to earn a good reputation?
From this point of view, a woman who is destined to lose love is quite sympathetic.

However, why did she faintly feel a little happy!

Hey, whatever~
She's just an outsider, what kind of idle mind.

He Xiner winked at Ye Xusheng cryptically, as if watching the excitement.

Ye Xusheng...

Chest tightness, do not want to talk to people, do not want to talk.

In other words, no one in the room was stupid. Everyone who hadn't thought about it before, with Wei Qiufang's obvious attitude, thought about what was going on without thinking too much.

The old leaf has a black face.

Ye Laijin grimaced.

The old Qian and the little Qian rolled their eyes almost at the same time, and cursed shamelessly in their hearts.

The Qian family's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are both snobbish, and they didn't think of the poor Wei family at all. If it wasn't for Wei Ye's clinging to curry favor, the two of them would not care about them.

Now that they finally knew what the other party was planning, they were all very angry.

What kind of shabby settlement, but also dare to hit their Lao Ye's idea, really dare to think!

In this day and age, a woman's reputation is very important.

As long as it's not the kind of vendetta, it's not easy to talk about the other party's reputation.

What's more, they can't pierce this layer of window paper, let alone make a big fuss about it. How can they say that the two of them are now in Lao Ye's house, and they bullied people hard, so let's ignore it first.

In case of being raped by these shameless girls again, it's not enough to be irritating.

It's slow to say, but in fact these thoughts and thoughts flashed through my mind, only in a few breaths.

Wei Ye looked at her daughter and almost understood her thoughts. He was anxious and angry. Seeing the wealth of the old Ye family, and thinking about what Kong said, he knew that it would not be so easy to get married with the old Ye family. , and have to plan well.

What's more, she is not stupid. The instant change of face of the members of Lao Ye's family means it is self-evident.

Pulling the corner of her mouth forcefully, she put on a very stiff smile, "Qiufang is a child who rarely cares about scholars..."

As soon as the words came out, she felt inappropriate, and she was so annoyed that she wanted to bite her tongue.

(End of this chapter)

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