The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1194 What does mother mean?

Chapter 1194 What does mother mean?
Little Qian curled her lips in disdain.

Old Qian raised his chin and cast a haughty glance at Wei Qiufang who was still shy, and didn't answer. He just said that it was noon, and old Yuan would be at home waiting for the two of them to eat, so it was worthwhile to stay for two minutes. people.

This is the gentlest way old Qian can think of to drive people away.

If her temper was followed, she would have wished to point at the two women's noses and scold them. It is really rare to be able to say such things in a pretentious manner.


Wei Yeshi and Wei Qiufang left Lao Ye's house in a daze, and walked on the country road under the warm sun, feeling like a dream.

"Lao Ye's family is really rich. There are gold, silver, and jade. If you buy a lot, everyone has a share. Tsk, tsk, how much silver does it cost?"


Wei Yeshi frowned and didn't speak. She still can't believe it. Some people would buy things like that. Gold, silver, and jade, in the eyes of Lao Ye's family, are as common as dirt .

This, what kind of fairy house is this?
"The food at their house is really good, but during the Chinese New Year and holidays, there is actually a table full of meals, and there are cakes and fried dough sticks in the meal space. No wonder Ye Osmanthus is so fat!"

"Oh, mother, don't be dumbfounded, quickly think of a way for my daughter..."

Wei Qiufang could also understand the old Qian's order to chase away guests. At that time, she wished Ye Xusheng would speak up and leave her mother and daughter behind, but the other party didn't even look at her, and strode into the dining room early.

Well, the eldest cousin must be in front of the whole family and seniors, so I'm sorry to be too obvious.

He is a scholar, and a scholar pays the most attention to etiquette and rules.

A young girl who is just in love, always has unrealistic fantasies about the person she likes, according to her own heart, worrying about other people's thoughts.

She was also very sweet, looking for a bunch of excuses for the other party's apparently indifferent attitude.

In her heart, Ye Xusheng is very good, but the bad thing is that she is a godly old woman. Her mother has already said that she likes scholars, so she pretends to be confused and drives her mother out.

Hmph, just wait, old godmother!
One day, she will marry into Lao Ye's family in a glorious manner, and then she will settle the account slowly!

"This is not easy to handle..."


Wei Ye frowned and looked at the hopping daughter, "You have seen the wealth of the old Ye family, and that boy Sheng is also a scholar, he looks good, he is a good-looking talent, and he has a high vision..."

"What does mother mean?"

Wei Qiufang is going crazy!
Where does she look bad?

It's not because I didn't eat well that I lost some weight.

When she entered Lao Ye's house, she ate and drank well, and appointed her to be better-looking than the girl in the second room.

"What are you yelling about? Are you afraid of being overheard on a street?"

Wei Ye gave his daughter an angry look.

Sweeping back and forth, left and right, pulled the girl and began to whisper.

In her eyes, the daughter is naturally good in every way, but she suffered so much because of her incompetent father, she really felt sorry for her!
Look at the girls of Lao Ye's family, what they eat and what they use, they are all fat and fat, and they also wear gold and silver, and they are dressed like the ladies of rich families.

There are even servants waiting on you, so you don't have to touch your hands for a little bit of work...

As a qualified mother who loves her children dearly, at this time, Wei Ye's family hated her husband to the extreme, and at the same time made up her mind to marry her daughter to Lao Ye's family.

Her daughter is no worse than the girls of Lao Ye's family, so naturally she should live a good life.

This strong belief is much stronger than that of Wei Qiufang himself.

She really had had enough hard times, and vowed to let her daughter marry a good family, firstly, her daughter would not have to suffer, and secondly, she could enjoy happiness along with her.

(End of this chapter)

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