The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1195 Get rid of this thought as soon as possible

Chapter 1195 Get rid of this thought as soon as possible
Mother and daughter's thoughts are not easy to say in front of others.

It's noon, and there is no one on the street, so it's time to have a good discussion.

Therefore, the two mothers muttered and muttered very vigorously, until there was a roar in Wei Qiufang's stomach, and then they hurried back.

As a result, when the mother and daughter rushed back, the family had already eaten and even took away the table.

"Mom! What do you mean? You don't know how to wait for someone to eat?"

Wei Ye was very angry, and he just accused the old Yuan.

The other party gave her a blank stare, "I don't want to see what time it is? I don't know when I'm coming back for dinner, and I blame others."

The five people at the head of the house went back to rest in their own room after eating, and only Ye Dayou and old Yuan Shi lived in the room.

Ye Dayou didn't want to see this leech's daughter at all, so he went to the inner room to rest on the kang.

Speaking of which, Old Yuan didn't want to see this girl who always looted all her good things.

However, she has five sons and only one daughter, so she still prefers one or two.

Besides, none of the five sons and daughter-in-laws are fuel-efficient lamps, and none of the big family can talk to her. Let her be more transparent.

The relationship between the two women is based on such a wonderful common hobby.

The stomach was rumbling and screaming, Wei Ye forced her old mother to take a few eggs that had been treasured for a long time, went to the back kitchen to cook them, and weighed her stomach with her daughter.

Thinking back to the sumptuous lunch of Lao Ye's family, the mother and father finished eating the eggs in displeasure, and then began to plot against Ye Xusheng with Lao Yuan.

Old Yuan was dumbfounded.

Her own grandson can't even make decisions about her marriage, so how can she have the ability to make decisions about old Qian's grandson?

"Let's get rid of this thought as soon as possible. That kid has already said that he won't get married if he doesn't pass the exam."

"Big cousin is ambitious."

Wei Qiufang immediately praised her, she was very honored, and even at this moment, she fantasized that she was the official wife when she first started.

But it worried Wei Yeshi badly.

That old Ye's family is so rich now, they look down on her poor Wei family, and when that kid is prosperous, it is even more impossible to marry his daughter.

Although she was ruthless and vowed to marry her daughter into Lao Ye's family, she was clear in her heart, knowing that Lao Ye's family would not take a fancy to Wei's family.

Therefore, she could only find another way.

what can we do about it?

For a while, he couldn't think of a good way, so Wei Ye planned to have a protracted battle, taking his daughter to old Qian's every day to gain favor with him.

As a result, when she came to the door again, a majestic big white dog was blocking the door of Lao Ye's house, looking at the two of them coldly, the mother and father didn't dare to come forward.

It was like this for two days in a row.

What else does Wei Yeshi not understand?
The bottom of my heart is angry and angry, but there is nothing I can do.

She was so anxious that she was about to catch fire and get sores, and Wei Qiufang was even more anxious to jump her feet.


It's also because the couple put all their thoughts on Ye Xusheng's side, they didn't pay attention to what was wrong with Ning Shi, Yao Shi and others, they stayed in the house every day without going out, and even ran to the vegetable shed from time to time.

Both Bai's and his wife's energy was devoted to making a living with dolls. They didn't reach out for the work of growing bean sprouts in the public. The work of washing and soaking beans was left to Ye Mancang, and the bean sprouts were also poured by Ning and others.

Therefore, the Wei family's wife lived in the old house and had no influence on them.
But Ning and the others are inconvenient.

It's too boring to spend every day picking beans in the house, not even daring to open the windows.

Therefore, Ning, Ding, Yao, and Kong co-operated to run on Wei's wife, often making Wei Ye jump in anger, but they were still reluctant to leave.

She lives in her natal family, she doesn't need to do things, just eat ready-made, and every meal is full of big white steamed buns, she is stupid to go back to eat steamed buns.

In the past, she didn't dare to stay in her mother's house, but now that her husband has spoken, she has nothing to be afraid of.

(End of this chapter)

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