The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1196 Ye Laicai Was Shocked

Chapter 1196 Ye Laicai Was Shocked

It is said that after Ye Laicai learned the biggest secret of the old Ye family from his old mother, he had a series of dreams in high spirits.

Just waiting for a suitable opportunity, the uncle and nephew will recognize each other, and then use this to hold each other and enjoy the wealth of the He family.

Buy a mansion, buy a farm, buy a shop, buy a man, marry a beautiful wife...

Ye Laicai brings wealth in his life, and he deserves to enjoy all the glory and wealth.


It can only be said that the idea is beautiful, but it is not easy to actually implement it.

Since returning to the county seat, Ye Laicai has been avoiding the Wu family and inquiring about news every day. The He family is considered one of the largest households in Lin'an County.

Moreover, all the young masters in He's residence came in and out of carriages, and they entered and exited directly from the side door, so no one could be seen at all.

Even Ye Laicai stared at the gate of He Mansion every day.

What's more, it is impossible for him to stare at the gate of He Mansion blatantly.

Just like that, after three or four days, I still don't know what He Jiaming, the eldest son of the He family, looks like.

Ye Laicai is in a hurry.

With ulterior motives, he wanted to get close to He Jiaming, so naturally he didn't dare to inquire directly with the servants of the He Mansion, so he could only find another way, wandering around Dingfuju, the property of the He Mansion, every day.

Dingfuju is a restaurant opened by the He family, and it is managed by He Jiaheng, the eldest son of the big family.

Ye Laicai didn't dare to talk casually to others, so he ordered two small dishes with heartache every time, sat at the place closest to the counter, ate slowly, and listened to the news with his ears pricked up.

Although this method is stupid, it is insurance.

No one would doubt him.

Not to mention, he really heard some useful information.

For example, He Jiaming is studying at Mingjin Academy.

For example, the boy in front of He Jiaming was named Ah Sheng.

It was also a coincidence that it was not yet the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, and the school hadn't started yet, so He Jiaming wanted to have a banquet with his classmates before the school started.

It was his personal servant, A Sheng, who came to the shopkeeper's private room and ordered the dishes.

He Jiaming's classmates are all rich or expensive, he attaches great importance to this matter, so he sent Ah Sheng to complete this matter without any mistakes.

As the young master's personal servant, Ah Sheng naturally fulfilled his duties and handled the tasks assigned by the master well.

Just like that, the discussion between Ah Sheng and the shopkeeper took longer, and they talked a lot, and Ye Laicai, who was interested in inquiring, listened to everything.

Ye Laicai couldn't help but be overjoyed.

With this young man around, he no longer has to worry about not being able to recognize people when he sees them face to face.

After waiting patiently for two days, Ye Laicai went to Dingfuju early on the day when the fifth young master of the He family would treat him. He wanted to serve two small dishes and a pot of wine.

When entertaining others, the host must arrive in advance to wait for the distinguished guests.

He will definitely see his good nephew today, so he is not in a hurry.

Sure enough, after a while, He Jiaming, dressed in brocade clothes and with an extraordinary bearing, entered the restaurant with his personal servant.

At that moment, Ye Laicai was extremely shocked.

It was as if he saw his second elder brother walking towards him in a fancy dress when he was young.

Don't look at Ye Lao Er who is tanned now, but he was not tanned at all when he was young, and Ye Laiyin, when he was young, was quick-tempered, quick-witted and lively, and he followed Ye Shitian when he had time, going up mountains and down rivers. He dare not do it.

At that time, he was full of vigor and heroism, and his height and appearance were among the best in Yejia Village.

Later, as Ye Laiyin grew older, his temper became much calmer. Together with his elder brother, he took care of the entire old Ye family and worked hard all day for the family's livelihood, so he became more and more stable.

In other words, Ye Laiyin looks upright, and Wang's is dignified and beautiful, so their children are naturally not bad.

He Jiaming's facial features look very much like Ye Laiyin at first glance, but upon closer inspection, his eyes are very similar to Wang's pair of beautiful red phoenix eyes~
After the shock, Ye Laicai was so excited that he wanted to shout crazily...

 Thank you for the book friends who voted for Lu Wei, okay~~
(End of this chapter)

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