Chapter 1197 A Crazy Obsession
At that time, Song, the head of He's house and the housewife's mother, in order to successfully steal the dragon and turn the phoenix, it can be said that she took great pains and thought of ways to dismiss her husband.

Therefore, Mr. He, who was invited by his uncle to go to the south to discuss business, named his son who was about to give birth early, He Jiaming.

Later, in order to coax Mrs. Qian, Nanny Qian told her the name of He Jiaming.

Then, Ye Laicai also knew He Jiaming's name as a matter of course.

Now, I know myself more.

Ye Laicai was so excited that he felt that he couldn't suppress the joy that was pounding his heart. He didn't dare to stay longer for fear of attracting others' attention. After He Jiaming went up to the second floor, he hurried out of Dingfuju.

Looking for a place where no one was around, I raised my head and laughed for a long time before planning my next step with satisfaction.

Then, new problems popped up.

His good nephew is now the eldest grandson of the majestic He family, he travels in and out of carriages, and is either a coachman or a servant by his side, so it is very difficult to get close to him!

Before he met the real person, he took it for granted that the person was from the old Ye family and his nephew. He only needed to explain the truth of what happened back then and clarify his identity a little bit, and he could easily identify with his uncle and nephew. recognize.

Now, after experiencing the initial ecstasy after seeing the Fifth Young Master of the He Mansion wearing a luxurious fox fur cloak, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

In all honesty, if he was the young master of the He family, and a stranger suddenly appeared and said that he was not the young master of the He family, he would not believe it.

Fortunately, his mother gave an important piece of evidence.

Hope to win the other party's trust in this way;
Do not!
It must be able to win the other party's trust.

must. .

In the following days, Ye Laicai squatted in Mingjin Academy almost every day, silently following the fifth young master of the He family.

After school starts, He Jiaming is in the two-point line of activities between home and college every day, and there are servants to wait on him, and there are even coachmen to pick up and drop off.

After more than ten days like this, Ye Laicai did not make any progress.

He almost wanted to go crazy.

A crazy obsession prompted him to decide to take the risk.

Buy the driver of the He family!

Only by abducting the person to a remote place and being able to talk to him alone, he believed that he would convince him.

He has solid evidence, so he can't help but not believe it.

The birthmark on his body is a very private matter, how can anyone not know about it~
So he just needs to get rid of the coachman urgently.

But he thought that servants of rich families would not betray their master easily, and it would not work if there was less money.

At this time, he was so worried that his intestines were about to knot, and he had no choice but to coax Wu Shi in a low voice again, begging for a lot of money from her.

He didn't know if it was his illusion, but he felt that Mrs. Wu was in a good mood, and she was more talkative than before. He gave 50 taels of silver as he wanted, and he didn't doze off at all.

But he looked carefully, and didn't see anything wrong.

It's just that he didn't have time to think about it carefully, he had a lot of things to do.

It won't be long before he can feel proud, and he doesn't have to be angry with this bitch anymore.

At that time, as Master Ye, he will severely slap this woman's face.

With the silver, Ye Laicai began to get close to the groom of the He family in a planned way with full confidence.

Only wait for the two to get acquainted before starting the next step of the plan.

At this moment, something happened to the Wu family.

The day before, he was fine. Before he went out to Mingjin Academy, he saw Mrs. Wu in a good mood, admiring the apricot blossoms in the garden;

That night, he followed outside for a whole day, and when he returned exhausted, he did not see Mrs. Wu;

He didn't pay much attention either, this kind of thing had happened before.

However, the next day, the Wu family was in disaster. .

The entire old Wu family was arrested and the mansion was sealed off.

Fortunately, he was not at home at that time, so he was spared.

(End of this chapter)

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