The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1198 That person appeared again?

Chapter 1198 That person appeared again?

Ye Laicai was terrified.

The Wu family was sealed off, and even his mother-in-law was taken away at a young age, and the Wu family was even missing. Overnight, he became a homeless person.

Trembling with shock, he hid in an inconspicuous inn.

He didn't even dare to move around for fear of being recognized as the Wu family.

But it was a fluke, hoping that the county magistrate could save the Wu family.

So he took a handful of copper coins and asked the young man to go to the county magistrate's house to deliver a letter for him.

In the end, I was told, "Where is there such a person as Wu County Cheng in Lin'an County? He was arrested by the arrester from the government office, and the entire Wu family was thrown into prison..."

Ye Laicai was frightened to death, and he didn't bother to cover up, so he asked the Wu family what happened?He also asked if there was any list of other people in the Wu family who were wanted outside?

The young man shook his head, saying that no one knows what happened to the Wu family.

As for the other members of the Wu family who are wanted, the young man looked him up and down and made a good guess in his mind.

This Xiao Er can be regarded as a talent, there are countless things happening in Lin'an County every day, big and small, there is almost nothing he doesn't know about.

Even though he guessed that the other party was from the Wu family, he didn't expose it. He went straight to the beginning and didn't post any notices to catch the fugitive.

Ye Laicai felt at ease.

So he began to try to go out, and there was no danger.

Once you come and go, you will become more courageous.

I quietly went to the houses of the Wu family and the county magistrate's house to have a look, the official seal was still pasted on the door.

There are mixed feelings in my heart, and everything is not a taste.

It is even more heartbreaking for the child in Wu's womb.

After the grief, he began to plan for the future.

Old Ye's family couldn't go back, and Wu's family did something wrong, they were arrested overnight, and his hope could only rest on He Jiaming.

If he doesn't recognize that kid again, he will only drink the northwest wind if he runs out of money.

He doesn't want such a hard life. .

Under such circumstances, it was difficult for him to plan carefully step by step, he just wanted to make a quick decision, the sooner the better.

However, he made a mistake.

"That person appeared again?"

He Jiaming was dressed in lake blue brocade clothes, elegant and noble.

A 13-year-old boy with a slender figure, outstanding appearance, and a certain elegance.

The beautiful Danfeng eyes are slightly squinted, his eyes are deep and deep, and his tone is deep, which does not match his age.

Since he knew his life experience, he has been restless.

He is afraid, afraid of being discovered his secret;
He was afraid, afraid of being kicked out of the He residence;

He was really afraid of losing his status as the eldest son of He Fu.

It was hard for him to imagine what kind of life the mud-legged people in the countryside lived.

As long as the woman is not removed, he will be restless.

I thought it was an easy thing to do, but I failed one after another.

The former Youth Gang disappeared without a trace, and the later killers never came back, which made him restless.

He didn't know what happened.

But he has a strong sense of crisis.

Later, he didn't dare to make a move easily.

For peace of mind, he quietly cultivated his own manpower, and he was extremely careful when going in and out on weekdays.

The groom is naturally also his man.

He would never place himself in danger of unknown circumstances.

The driver is very important.

"But I found out clearly, what is he going to do?"

"The man asked the young man to send the young master to the place he designated, saying that he had something important to discuss with the young master in private."

"Important matter?"

With a gloomy face, He Jiaming knocked on the huanghuali wood desk.

"Can you find out his identity?"

"He claimed to be surnamed Wang, but I found out that his surname was Ye. He was the son-in-law of the former Wu County Cheng's brother's family. The Wu County Cheng's brother died early..."

He didn't listen to a word of what was said later.

All I can think about is: that person's surname is Ye!
Surname Ye!

He Jiaming was struck by lightning!
(End of this chapter)

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