The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1200 Want to hear the details

Chapter 1200 Want to hear the details
The side door was wide open, and under Ye Laicai's signal, the coachman drove the car into the yard.

Ye Laicai's heart was agitated, and he closed the door of the house with trembling hands.

My mind was running fast, thinking about how to say hello, how to introduce myself...

"Master, here we are."

The coachman Jia Daqing's voice was loud and respectful, and there was nothing unusual about it.

He Jiaming, who was dressed in fine clothes, got out of the carriage with a calm expression under the support of the servant Ah Sheng.

Ye Laicai was stunned for a second, and when he came back to his senses, he happened to meet the eyes of He Jiaming who was looking over.

I practiced the scene words countless times in my mind, but suddenly it got stuck in my throat, and I couldn't utter a single word.

He Jiaming's eyes were heavy, he glanced at him lightly, and walked straight to the main hall calmly and gracefully.

His face was always calm, but his heart was churning.

Ye Laicai, who came to his senses belatedly, took a deep look at the expressionless coachman and the silent servant, feeling a little heavy in his heart.

Countless thoughts in my mind were entangled with each other, and I couldn't figure it out for a while. After a moment of silence, I also walked into the main hall.

On the table in the main hall, two brass candlesticks were placed, and the oversized candles lit in advance illuminated the entire room.

He Jiaming sat calmly on the armchair in the guest seat.

Ye Laicai, who came in behind, did not ask him to sit in the upper chair, but sat opposite him.

Both were silent.


There was a slight crackling sound of candle flames.

"Let's talk about it, what do you want to do after spending so much time finding my He family?"

In the bright orange candlelight, the young man with handsome features has a strong aura, calm and sophisticated.

Ye Laicai was not surprised.

After all, in the yard just now, this one was extraordinarily calm.

It seems that the servants of the He family are not so easy to bribe.

Fortunately, he is here.

"To tell you the truth, the reason why I have worked so hard to invite Mr. He to this secluded place is really for a reason."

"Oh? I'd like to hear about it."

He Jiaming was still calm.

A strange feeling flashed in Ye Laicailue's heart, but he didn't have time to think about it.

The door was closed, and the candles flickered.

The surrounding area was so quiet that a needle could be heard.

In the dignified living room, the two looked at each other with deep eyes.

After a moment of silence, suppressing the restlessness and tension in his heart, Ye Laicai said calmly, "This matter has to start more than ten years ago..."

"All ears."

"Why don't we start with my mother's younger sister Kairu?"


"My mother's surname is Qian. I was born in an ordinary farmer's family. There is an elder brother and a younger sister..."

This is a story that is neither long nor short. It can be summed up in a few words, but it is not detailed enough to win people's trust.

Ye Laicai, who always prided himself on his intelligence, quickly calmed down after experiencing the initial anxiety and embarrassment.

There is only one chance, and he must not waste it in vain.

Therefore, in order to make the whole story more believable, he spared no effort to talk about it, starting with his second aunt being betrayed when he was a child.

In order to better impress the scheming rich son on the opposite side, he can be described as full of sensuality and vividness.

To sum it up according to what he meant, Mrs. He used her power back then to force his second aunt to steal her.

Thinking that his second aunt is just a prostitute slave with no connections or money, so how can she have the supernatural ability to do such embarrassing things for the eldest lady.

But the eldest lady's methods are ruthless, and his second aunt's wealth and life are in the hands of the other party, so she is forced to do nothing but plan for her.

Then, his miserable second aunt found his mother when she had nowhere to go. In order to save her life, his mother had to reluctantly part with her and sent her precious golden grandson to be raised by Mrs. He.

He practiced these words over and over again for a long time, and they were also what he thought of after a long time of thinking, and he felt that he had no flaws.

He believed that because of his status, the other party would never seek a servant to inquire in detail.

Besides, what if he knew the truth?

It turned out that Mrs. He robbed his old Ye family's child.

It doesn't matter what the truth was back then.

The important thing is that the other party recognizes his identity and is willing to recognize his uncle and nephew.

(End of this chapter)

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