The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1201 He Doesn't Know Me

Chapter 1201 He Doesn't Know Me

The story is told here, it is very clear...

In the end, Ye Laicai said with great heartache that the second brother has no children so far, and his mother deeply felt sorry for her son for her sister, and she has been living in guilt and suffering.

Moreover, for so many years, I have been missing him...

He Jiaming's heart moved slightly.

Although he knew that what he said was incomplete and untrue, there was still a trace of strangeness in his heart.

"He He……"

The voice is slightly hoarse, low and dark.

Ye Laicai was taken aback.

"He doesn't know me?"

A simple and emotionless sentence, but like a blow to the head, Ye Laicai's eyes turned black.

Is this the union of father and son?

Co-author, he said so much, and the other party only listened to one sentence?
Obviously he has never met his own father since he was a child, why would he accurately catch the person in a casual sentence?
And mentioned it in a somewhat disappointed tone?

Ye Laicai felt overwhelmed.

However, he always felt unreal when the other party recognized his identity so calmly.

No matter what he thought in his heart, he accepted the words in a nonchalant manner.

"Yes, only your grandma and I know you in the whole family."

"And I just found out."

"Although your grandma misses you, she doesn't want to disturb your rich life, so she never thought of coming to you."


Xu Shi really touched a certain sensitive chord in his heart, and He Jiaming looked a little dazed.

Does he really not know?
And... and the woman doesn't know either?
"Jia Ming, Jia Ming."

Ye Laicai is used to climbing along the pole, so he is not polite to call him Mr. He at this moment, and he naturally evokes the other party's name in a very affectionate and familiar tone.

He Jiaming, whose eyes were a little dull, immediately came back to his senses, took a deep look at him, and said in a deep voice, "Since you don't want to disturb, why did you come here again?"

Ye Laicai choked.

He really couldn't figure out why a 13-year-old kid was so calm and sophisticated?

When looking at him with such deep eyes, it seems that he can penetrate all the thoughts in his heart.

This son is very scheming, not easy to get along with~

Children raised by rich families are different.

Ye Laicai was slightly uneasy.

Do not!
He can't be timid!
As the saying goes, barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes.

He is a bachelor, what is there to be afraid of?

To be afraid is because the other party is afraid, afraid that his status as the son of the He family will not be guaranteed.

After thinking about it, Ye Laicai decided that the other party was pretending to be calm, and he simply didn't beat around the bush with him.


"Even if your grandma makes trouble again, she will never come to disturb you. She is also troubled in her heart. She accidentally slipped her mouth in front of me, and I asked you out. I..."

"Oh, it's me, it's me who has the cheek to beg you to help the family..."

Ye Laicai sighed, looked very embarrassed, and then began to speak in a very eloquent manner.

In short, the life of the old Ye family is hard. Your sister-in-law is already 17 years old. Because she doesn't have a decent dowry, she is still living in her boudoir.

blah blah blah, said a lot.

In addition to crying poor, or crying poor.

He Jiaming glanced coldly at the brand new robe on his body.

This guy probably confused himself. .

"You come here, who else knows?"

Just when Ye Laicai was about to burst into tears, the other party's cold voice suddenly interrupted him.

Ye Laicai, who was so emotional, couldn't hold back the expression on his face for a while, but was still mournful, and said in a choked up voice, "Don't worry, Jiaming, no one knows that I'm here to look for you."

"Is that so..."

He Jiaming raised the corners of his eyes, sneered slightly mockingly, tapped the table with his right hand, and shouted in a deep voice, "Come on!"

The door was pulled open suddenly and someone opened it from the outside, and the cold night wind mercilessly poured into the room.

A burly and burly man strode in, not the coachman Jia Daqing, nor the servant Ah Sheng.

(End of this chapter)

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