The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1206 Go to old Wei's house

Chapter 1206 Go Back to Old Wei's House
Bai's mother and daughter were not there, but the new daughter-in-law, Zeng, was there, but she was married for the first time, so she couldn't meddle in the affairs of the elders at will, so she hid back.

Ye Shitian went to town and hadn't come back yet, the four brothers Ye Zutian, Ye Zongtian, Ye Futian, and Ye Yuntian were all there, and they all turned black after hearing what Wei Ye scolded them.

What does the money that their brothers earn with their busy work have anything to do with her, a married woman?
Look at the words she scolded, she kept saying that she was the daughter of Lao Ye's parents and helped her parents to raise them up, so she should have a share of the family's money.


What she said was better than what she sang, and their brothers didn't get her favor.

This person has been selfish since he was a child. Everything their mother had was dragged away by her, and the brothers couldn't even see each other.

What else did you say to pull them, where's the face?

It's not good for brothers to scold their elder sister outside.

But Ning's four sisters-in-law were not vegetarians, they brought their sons and daughters into battle, and surrounded Wei Ye's like a bombardment.

No matter how sharp her mouth is, Wei Yeshi can't quarrel with more than a dozen people.

Before she could say a word, seven or eight people came over, so angry that her eyes turned black, and she almost pouted.

Ye Mancang watched the fun with folded arms.

That woman is also interesting, even after arguing like this, she still doesn't forget to hold the flowerpot tightly and never let go.

A group of women dug out a pile of old accounts and quarreled. He didn't know how long the quarrel would last, so he waited impatiently.

After giving Ye Mantun a wink, the two quietly approached in tacit understanding.

One pretended to collide casually, and the other snatched the flower pot with quick eyes and hands. The two cooperated seamlessly. By the time the woman realized it, the thing had already reached Ye Mancang's hands.

Wei Yeshi rushed forward like a madman and wanted to snatch it back, but Ye Mantun, Ye Mangui and other eight brothers were there, so how could she succeed.

The treasure already in hand was snatched away again, it was as if Wei Yeshi's heart was stolen, she was so angry that she was furious and yelled and cursed.

Everyone hates it.

The co-author can't take advantage of it, but suffers a big loss.

Where in the world is there such a thing?

Ning and the others either wanted to stand out for Da Fang's potted flowers, or simply couldn't understand her behavior.

In addition, she offended everyone with her unclean words, and Ning and the others became even more tired of her.

A group of women quarreled upside down, and they were about to start a fight, but they were dismissed by Ye Dayou with a black face.

The head of the family, Ye Dayou, didn't want to run outside the house to scold people. Their family is also a respectable family in the village, especially the eldest grandson's marriage is held openly, and there are no relatives and neighbors who are not boastful. Someone with status.

In other words, in the entire Ye Family Village, besides Ye Dahe, who else is more respectable than him?

And even though Ye Dahe is richer than his family, he is not a happy family, but he has been coveting his nine strong grandsons all the time.

Not to mention the other people in the village, there is no one who is not envious of their own family.

Ever since the family became lively, the whole family has brightened up, and they will no longer be noisy about trivial matters, and live in a smooth and smooth life, don't be more happy.

But why did he raise such a shameless girl?

The daughters of other people's families always go to their mother's house to fetch things, but this girl is good, she always leaves her mother's house empty-handed, that's all, and she didn't expect to be in her favor.

But she ransacked the house every time she came back, and she would plunder any good things that the old woman hid.

Ever since the boss started the house, he has intensified his efforts and started to grab it.

Don't want any shame.

Now that there is such a big commotion, I am not afraid of being laughed at.

If she continued to toss like this, the family's reputation would no longer matter.

The grandchildren seem to be going on a blind date, so they can't spread bad words.

"Go back to Old Wei's house, you are not allowed to go back until the New Year's Eve."

The old man threw down such a sentence with disgust on his face, took all his grandsons home and closed the house.

(End of this chapter)

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