Chapter 1207 Stop fooling me
Wei Yeshi was ashamed and annoyed, angry and hated, holding her mouth tightly in her chest, until she almost fainted to the ground.

His eyes were poisoned, staring at the door of Lao Ye's house resentfully, panting heavily.

"Mom, why are you scolding those words? You offended all the uncles, and we can't live long if we want to."

Wei Qiufang, who had been cooking quail for half a day, was full of complaints.

"Ah, bah, those white-eyed wolves don't have any good things. They all don't know how to respect their eldest sister, and they don't give the old lady any benefits from the money that occupies the family. Where did the old lady scold me wrong?"

"My mother, don't even think about it. My uncle and his cousin's family have always been on good terms. You offended everyone. They said bad things about us behind our backs..."

Wei Yeshi was startled.

Today is too impulsive.

But, but she just wanted to serve potted flowers, why did the trouble get bigger and bigger in the end?
It's all the fault of that damn boy Mancang!
If he didn't come back, my old lady would have walked away quietly holding the flower.

As soon as this meaning came out, Wei Qiufang was almost mad at her mother.

"What time is it? Mother still misses the potted flower."

"That flower was given by Ye Xiner, what's your mother going to do to grab it? Don't be afraid that Ye Xiner will find out, tell big cousin?"

"My mother made such a fuss, and my eldest cousin found out, how should I look at me?"

Wei Qiufang was so annoyed that she burst into tears. The more she thought about it, the worse it became. She stomped her feet and yelled at her mother in frustration, almost breaking down.

Wei Yeshi, who was accused by his daughter-in-law, blushed so much that he wished to slap her in the face. After all, he was unwilling, but he was also afraid of breaking his face.

But she is really angry, everyone in Lao Ye's family scolded her, even her father told her to get out, for whom was she rejected by her mother's family?
Whose belly did all the things she found go into?

Married to an incomprehensible husband-in-law, regardless of the life or death of their mothers, what else can she do besides search for her mother's family?
"I'm about to be pissed off by my mother..."

Wei Qiufang yelled out of aggrievedness, Ye Shi couldn't bear it anymore, she was so angry that she slapped her shoulders and back.

"You, you, I'll kill you, you white-eyed wolf!"


The two women were crying and howling, each feeling wronged, and it didn't end until they were tired.


It was almost noon when the mother and daughter returned to Lao Wei's house listlessly.

"Don't tell me that you came back empty-handed."

Wei Yongfu stared at Mrs. Ye viciously, like a wolf ready to pounce and bite at any time.

Ye Juxiang shuddered subconsciously. Ever since her elder brother built a brick and tile courtyard, she had never been beaten again, especially since she was always able to search for things. Her husband's attitude towards her was different from the past ten years. Never had a good time.

Wei Qiufang, whose half of her body was numb from being slapped by her mother, shivered like a conditioned reflex, but her heart was filled with resentment.

How could she have such a stupid father.

Ye Xiner's father is not only generous, but also has a good temper. He always looks at Ye Xiner with a smile, his eyes are warm and full of love...

Got it!

With a flash of inspiration in her mind, Wei Qiufang quickly came up with a set of good words.

After she had an idea, she felt relieved, so she stopped slouching and pretending to be a quail, and straightened her back.

The general meaning is that it is not worthwhile to annoy my uncle for something. Her uncle is on good terms with her cousin's family, and she is the one who is going to marry her cousin, so she cannot be underestimated.

Wei Yongfu knew about Ye Xusheng.

At Ye Mancang's wedding banquet that day, Ye Dahe, Ye Laijin, and Ye Laiyin mastered the show, and Ye Xusheng was mentioned by everyone at the wine table.

"Hmph, don't fool me. You can't even figure out that kid Ye Mancang, and even talk about marrying Ye Xusheng. That's a scholar, and you can't marry him just by touching your lips."

Casting a cold glance at Mrs. Ye, Wei Yongfu snorted softly, but he lost his previous ferocious aura.

Both mothers breathed a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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