Chapter 1208 What can she do

"Let's put aside that kid Ye Xusheng. After staying in Lao Ye's house for so many days, what can I find out? What kind of business do they do?"

Ye Shi was stunned.

The whole family and the thieves are on guard against her, what can she do?
Seeing her appearance, Wei Yongfu's anger rushed to his heart, he picked up the thick ceramic bowl for drinking water in his hand and threw it over at the head, "Idiot without brains! You can't even handle your own mother's family, you are just useless!" thing!"

He still couldn't let go of his anger even after smashing it up, so he raised his leg violently on the spot and gave Ye Shi a comforting foot, until he kicked him and fell to the ground, only then did he relieve a little bit of his anger.

"Hmph, Lao Ye's family is so rich, it's really unreasonable for me to still eat corn buns at home!"

The heavy and bulky ceramic bowl fell on her body and hurt her body, and half a bowl of cold water splashed on her body. Ye Shi was wearing thin clothes, and the front was wet, and it was cool against her body. Before she could finish screaming, she was kicked to the ground. , the back of her head was knocked loudly, and the sharp pain made her ignore the dull pain in her chest, curled up on the ground with her head in her arms and shivered, not daring to get up.

The rammed ground had been trampled into pits and pits, and after splashing water, a small puddle was formed naturally, and Ye's body was covered with muddy water.

At the moment, she doesn't care whether her clothes are dirty or not.

Fortunately, the earthen pottery bowl was thick, and after hitting her on the chest and falling to the ground, it didn't break, otherwise it would have been stabbed.

Wei Qiufang shrank her neck, trying to reduce her sense of existence.

"Every useless thing, I have a dog better than you!"

The old Eight Immortals table was slammed by Wei Yongfu, shaking like it would fall apart at any moment.

"Fuck off, girl, tell me, what have you been doing at Lao Ye's house these days?"

Wei Qiufang, who was called by name, resisted the urge to flee through the door, started from the beginning with a hoarse voice and stumbled, without the previous rhetoric.

Naturally, there was nothing to be gained in her grandma's house.

Wei Yongfu pulled his face and continued to ask about Ye Xusheng, Wei Qiufang stopped stuttering, her dark and thin face climbed two red clouds at some point, half shy, half proud talking about the person she likes in detail. .

"So, that kid named Ye Xusheng never said a word to you? You fucking have the guts to say you want to marry someone else, just like your useless mother, you know how to brag about your mother!"

The more he listened, the less annoyed he became, Wei Yongfu raised his hand and slapped his daughter in a big mouth, "It's worthless money-losing goods, I'm a waste of food to raise you..."

"Ah - stop hitting, ah, ah -"

A shrill scream sounded, making Wei Yongfu even more angry, "Shut up!"

The miserable crying and shouting stopped abruptly.

Wei Yongfu ignored the mother and daughter who were sobbing, squinting his eyes and thinking about the wedding banquet of the old Ye family. The elder brother-in-law's family is already so rich, but he has been holding another old Ye family high.

How rich is that family?

In a cold voice, Wei Qiufang was ordered to come forward and ask her to explain in detail what happened to Lao Ye's house.


Wei Yongfu's eyes became extremely bright with a swipe, and they glowed green with excitement.

"Don't dare to lie to my father. My daughter has seen it with her own eyes. The golden gourds, silver bells, sapphire buckles and so on bought by the second house are shared by everyone in the family. Even the cousin of Ye Xin'er, who is also with the old Ye family Treated like a little girl..."

Mentioning this, Wei Qiufang burst into tears, anyone who hits the autumn wind is living so well, and Lao Ye's family is too generous.

Hmph, when she takes charge of the house in the future, she will definitely drive people away...

"Haha, haha, it's good to be rich, it's good to be rich, haha..."

Wei Yongfu laughed wildly and was in a good mood.


In an unremarkable courtyard in Ping'an Town, Ye Dahu saw someone visiting his boss, and hurriedly went to the back kitchen to boil water and make tea. Someone joked that he would flatter him, but he ignored it, and entered the main hall respectfully with a large clay pot.

 Ask for tickets~~~
(End of this chapter)

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