Chapter 1209 That Really Hurts

"Heizi, you have to help Uncle. When this is done, Uncle will definitely benefit from you."

Wei Yongfu had a flattering face.

And the one named Wei Heizi was full of disdain, "Second Uncle's flamboyant intestines are so old and young, you can think of such things."

"Uncle, isn't there nothing I can do? That brat is very annoying. If he thinks he is a scholar, he is superior to others. He doesn't like your sister..."

Wei Heizi curled his lips, "Sister Qiufang's appearance is not good, she's dark and thin, she's not juicy at all."


These words made Wei Yongfu almost choked up.

She smiled embarrassingly, "It's because the family is poor and poor, so your sister has become darker and thinner, but her facial features are not bad at all..."

"Okay, okay, second uncle, stop bragging."

Wei Yongfu choked again, and was so annoyed that he yelled at his teeth.

But I also know that the other party will definitely not do anything that is not beneficial.

"Uncle won't ask you to help in vain. I only want his people, and all his belongings belong to you."

"Tch, Second Uncle is an empty-handed white wolf. What valuables can a poor scholar have on him?"

"Hehe, you don't know that. That kid's family is very rich. He bought piles of gold, silver, and jade at home. Everyone has a share. He is the eldest grandson of the eldest house. Good things are indispensable."

In order to increase the stakes, Wei Yongfu gritted his teeth and said, "Your sister saw it with her own eyes. He has a red gold safety card..."



Wei Yongfu didn't blush and his heart didn't beat, he told a lie to tell the truth.

Today's Qinglong gang is no different from the Qinggang back then. It has no serious business and no backing.

But it often does not open, and it is too poor to jingle.

A pure gold peace card is quite attractive to them.

"Hey, Heizi will get uncle some of that kind of medicine. When that kid and your sister become a good thing, uncle will thank you very much."

"Hmph, you will talk to me in plain language."

Wei Heizi was not very happy, he hadn't seen the slightest benefit yet, so he was asked to go out to get things first, which was a strange idea.

At this moment, Ye Dahu strode in, carrying a heavy ceramic teapot.

Recently, Ye Dahu has been very attentive, and has surpassed the second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth heads, and has become Wei Heizi's most capable helper.

The two people who were talking didn't care about Ye Dahu, they just did whatever they wanted.

"Lao Ye's family is very rich, and their family background is solid. Your sister married in, but she is the grandson-in-law of the head of the house. I will never forget your help today..."

"Okay, the Qinglong Gang took over this matter, and appointed him to capture you. After talking for a long time, what is the name of that kid? Where does he go every day?"

For the sake of the pure gold safety card, Wei Heizi reluctantly accepted the deal.Somewhat impatiently, he stopped the chatterer.

"Hey, Uncle knows that you have a cold face and a warm heart..."

Seeing that the other party was even more impatient, he quickly changed the subject, "The boy we want to kidnap is called Ye Xusheng..."

After pouring the tea, Ye Dahu, who had turned around and walked to the door, paused, and then continued on his way.

They actually wanted to take that kid Ye Xusheng away.

The man's noisy voice came from behind, Ye Dahu's mouth twitched, he raised his hand and touched his chin, his heart felt inexplicably tight, it really hurt!


When Wei Heizi arranged for the next day's captivity, Ye Dahu found an excuse to avoid it.

To kidnap that living Hades?
It's a shame these people can figure it out!

"Why is the tiger in a daze?"

"Ah? Boss is in charge of orders."

"I asked, have you found the old man driving the mule cart?"

"The little one wanders around the street every day. It's strange to say that the old man just evaporated into the world, yes, there is no trace at all."

(End of this chapter)

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