Chapter 1210 Who Are You?
Wei Heizi patted the table irritably, and said in a deep voice, "Keep looking, and we must find the old man."

"I don't believe it anymore, he can't find a job as a driver."

Ye Dahu's big eyes flickered slightly.

"After so long, I can hardly remember what the old man looked like."

"You idiot, you can't even remember a person, you have a brain that eats shit!"

"Hey, there is such a good-looking girl, who would look at a bad old man?"

Wei Heizi was very angry, "I have suffered so much, if I don't get my place back, how can I hang out in Pingning Town?"

"I must find him out!"

"The one with the surname Pan is nothing. He must know where those sluts are from, otherwise he wouldn't have made a hero to save the beauty, but he kept it a secret, hmph!"


After a moment of silence, Ye Dahu considered his tone, and said carefully, "It doesn't mean we can't find someone, even if we find someone, we can't beat that dog, so why don't we forget about it?"

"Look how cowardly you are!"

"That time I was careless, but this time I am fully prepared. If a fishing net is caught, no matter how big the dog is, it will be caught obediently, haha——"

Ye Dahu was expressionless.

Oh, fishnets!

It was really hard for him to figure it out.


This afternoon, after Ye Xusheng finished school, he hurried home.

When he reached an open space between the two villages, his ears moved suddenly, and then he stopped.

Behind a thick sycamore tree not far away, someone!
The other party obviously didn't expect him to be so vigilant, and originally planned to wait for him to pass by and attack from behind.

But now he is standing there in an even and stable manner, not moving at all, what is the situation?

The brat is a clever one.

Wei Heizi gritted his teeth, but he was just a weak scholar, but he was quite imposing.

Suppressing the strange feeling in his heart, he glanced left and right, back and forth.

That's fine, no pedestrians.

"Brothers, come together, this kid is a fat sheep, catch him, and let us eat and drink happily for a while..."

Stimulated by his words, the six masked men ran out from their hiding places, screaming and threatening, "If you don't want to suffer, you just obediently get caught!"

There was some distance between the two sides, and those people couldn't come to them for a while.

Ye Xusheng stood there calmly, with a tall and straight figure and an elegant demeanor, his eyes were calm and unwavering, always indifferent.

A man named Niu San, tall and burly, with long legs and a broad body, ran at the front of the crowd, yelling loudly, and raised his bowl-sized fist before he even got to the front... …



Just when his fist was two feet away from the opponent's face, the weak scholar in his eyes suddenly raised his foot and kicked him on his back, his head hit the ground with a bang, and he screamed in pain .

Then, before he could react, a rough man with his head covered hit him with a "gudong". .

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

What followed was a series of "ahhhhhhh!"

The seven masked men were overwhelmed by Ye Xusheng, and all of them were completely dizzy.

He raised his foot to step on Wei Heizi on the top, and said in a deep voice, "Why stop me?"

Wei Heizi wanted to cry but had no tears.

He shouldn't have listened to that old boy Wei Yongfu.

Is this fucking frail scholar?

Sun your grandma!


The strength on the foot increased a bit, and Wei Heizi rolled his eyes when he stepped on it.

At this moment, he was still in a daze.

I don't know how the other party did it, they can stack people on the ground in one round, and stack up the goddamn Arhat.

"Who are you? If you don't speak again, don't blame me for being rude."

The strength on the feet increased a bit.

"Don't, don't step on it, I said..."

If he stepped on him like this again, he would probably suffer internal injuries.

"You, you let me go first, I promise I won't run around"

(End of this chapter)

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