Chapter 1211 What's next?

"Heh, are you talking about conditions with me?"

The young man in front of him is elegant and handsome, even a weak scholar by anyone's eyes.

His tone was light, as if he was chatting with someone.

It's just that his eyes are extremely cold.

Wei Heizi's scalp went numb from his sight.

"No, dare not."


"Yes, yes, our brothers were entrusted by others to kidnap the little brother, it's no wonder we..."

This Wei Heizi was not a loyal person at all, and he didn't benefit from Wei Yongfu, and he didn't break the rules of Taoism. Thinking about it this way, he sold Wei Yongfu cleanly with peace of mind.

"Wei Yongfu?"

Ye Xusheng frowned slightly, he didn't know this person.

Immediately thinking of something, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Take me captive, what will you do?"

Wei Heizi opened his mouth, but made no sound.

It's not to keep it a secret for the old boy, but I'm afraid of angering the living Hades.

Any man with a bit of blood will be furious if he knows that others are so cunning behind his back.

Moreover, this kid is very good-looking, well-dressed, and has an outstanding bearing. He is the son of a rich family, but he is calculated by such a poor family. What's more, Qiufang's girl is not as good-looking as this kid. Not to mention the skinny one, but also with a vitriolic look on his face.

Just thinking about the picture of the two of them together, he felt worthless for this kid.

Ye Xusheng lost his patience a long time ago, seeing that he didn't open his mouth for a long time, and he didn't waste his time urging him to ask, but he lost his arms at a very fast speed.

Wei Heizi screamed in pain, his arms drooped weakly and twitched, but his upper body was trampled by Ye Xusheng, and his legs couldn't help kicking and kicking under the pain. .

His tossing and tossing made the six people below him suffer, and they all followed suit, yelling non-stop, especially Niu San, who was at the bottom, felt that all the bones in his body had been crushed. .

"Say, I, I said..."

No matter how they toss, Ye Xusheng remains silent.

Wei Heizi was in pain, his forehead was dripping with cold sweat, but he didn't dare to delay any longer, while sucking in the air-conditioning hissingly, tremblingly, he revealed all of Wei Yongfu's calculations.



Wei Heizi was like a stranded fish, panting heavily with his mouth open, at this moment he only hated himself for not passing out.

So, so, so fucking hurt!
Ye Xusheng withdrew his feet with a cold face.

The Arhat Tower suddenly collapsed, and several men rolled to the ground.

"Ouch" and "Ouch" cries of pain rise and fall with each other~
Wei Heizi used the tall Niu San to cover him, and quietly took out the dagger hidden in his boots. With fierce eyes, he slowly approached Ye Xusheng, who was bowing his head and thinking. .

"go to hell……"




Wei Heizi, who failed in the sneak attack, was kicked five or six steps away, and fell to the ground with a bang. His lumbar spine seemed to be broken, and he twitched in pain.

In the next second, his eyes widened in horror.

The living Hades slowly picked up the dagger on the ground and was walking towards him leisurely.

Wei Heizi was scared out of his wits, he caressed his old waist that was about to break with one hand, supported the ground with the other, and moved his stiff body with difficulty...

"Don't, don't kill me, don't kill me..."

"Niu San, Niu San! Come and save me!"

"Second, second, come quickly..."

The six people who were called out looked at each other, and carefully formed a circle around Ye Xusheng, staring at him nervously, not daring to move.

"How much money will the surname Wei give you?"

Ye Xusheng didn't care about the people behind him, he looked down at the embarrassed Wei Heizi coldly, his voice was cold and emotionless.

Ben, who was terrified, was stunned by his sudden question, and then shouted hysterically, "I didn't take him seriously!"

"It's that old boy who is behind the scenes. You want to kill someone and find him!"

The more he thought about it, the more useless he became, and the more he thought about it, the more wronged he became, Wei Heizi was going crazy with anger.

(End of this chapter)

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