The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1215 The baby died from laughing

Chapter 1215 The baby died from laughing

Wei Yongfu, who was too brave, was in a coma for three days, and his whole body weakened at a speed visible to the naked eye. When he woke up weakly, he was already thin and thin.

His eyes are gray, his face is sallow, his body is broken, and he has no energy in his whole body.

His sallow, dry and thin face was bruised and bruised, which was caused by brother Wei Guangqing's beating. It can still be seen three days later, which shows how hard he was beaten at that time.

Although the exposed skin wounds are painful, they can still be tolerated for a while. The wounds that are invisible to outsiders are the most deadly.

There are no anti-inflammatory drugs in this era, and he did not clean and disinfect the sores in time...

All in all it was a horrible sight.

The whole old Wei family wished for him to die, lest it would bring down the family's reputation, who would care about him?
What's more, the family is not rich, and a group of grandchildren are waiting to get married. The old Yuan who handles money can't wait for a copper coin to be broken in half, so he is willing to spend money to see a doctor for him.

Besides, she didn't take it seriously at all.

Ye Juxiang even wished to be eighty feet away from him, just thinking about that would make her sick, so why would she come near him and serve him.

Wei Yongfu was so angry that even if he wanted to hit someone, he had more energy than he wanted.

Although his body collapsed, he knew it in his heart and knew all the causes and consequences.

He was terrified.

Heizi was obviously invited to kidnap people, why did it become like this?

His body was stiff and he couldn't move, but his mind was moving fast.

The more I thought about it, the more I was afraid, and it was mixed with extreme unwillingness and anger.

That brat Heizi is of the same clan as him, and he was bribed by someone. Isn't he afraid of thunder when he deals with his elders?


In fact, Wei Heizi was not afraid of lightning strikes at all. With five taels of silver in his hands, he would live happily, eating and drinking, let alone being happy.

"Huzi, go make some good wine for me."


Ye Dahu responded happily, took the handful of copper coins thrown by Wei Heizi, and when two of them fell to the ground, he bent down to pick them up without embarrassment, and happily went to drink.

After getting out of the house, Ye Dahu turned his head and yelled in the direction of the main hall, "A coward is too embarrassed to pull!"

But he was able to understand that the dog thing was tidied up by Boy Sheng, almost torn apart, and he had the nerve to brag in front of him, saying that Boy Sheng was frightened by him, and took the initiative to beg for mercy.

The person who wants to be promoted to beg for mercy has not yet been born...

Hey, he also suffered a big loss at the hands of Ye Xusheng, and he didn't hold any grudges, and he admired Ye Xusheng so much, which is also interesting.


"Xiaohei, go play with Dabai! Be good, Dabai will protect you, don't be afraid."

The beautiful girl Guan Cuizhi, who is so beautiful and beautiful, caressed her new favorite, a little black dog, with a smile, gently coaxing it, hoping that it can bravely walk towards Dabai, so as to rub Dabai's aura.

But no matter how much she coaxed him, Xiao Hei didn't dare to take a step forward. He only took one look at Da Bai, who was as tall as a calf, and trembled in fright.

Seeing its unpromising virtue, the elegant and dignified beauty Cuizhi couldn't laugh anymore, got up angrily, turned her head and left.

Seeing this, Xiao Hei immediately followed her, wagging his tail pitifully and blocking her way, staring innocently at her with watery eyes, as if begging to be hugged and coaxed.

"Aside from acting like a spoiled child, what else can you do? Hurry up and worship Dabai as your teacher, and learn your skills!"

The little girl Wang Jinling hugged Dabai's neck, and suppressed her laughter so hard that her little face turned red, but she only lasted for two seconds before she couldn't collapse anymore. She was afraid that it would be bad for Sister Cuizhi to see her, so she just Lie on Dabai's neck and shake his shoulders, shaking, shaking, shaking, "Haha..."

"Sister Cuizhi is so funny, the baby is dying of laughter..."

(End of this chapter)

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