The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1216 Was Actually Finding an Apprentice for Dabai

Chapter 1216 Was Actually Finding an Apprentice for Dabai

This day is the March [-]rd that everyone has been looking forward to for a long time, the day when they go up the mountain to catch up with the temple fair.

Ye Mancang rented a mule cart one day in advance, and the man driving the cart had already arrived outside the house and waited at daybreak.

And Ye Laijin didn't go to the town, Xiao Xuyang's period of treatment had just ended, and he only took some brain-strengthening medicine.

The original plan was that the Bai mother and daughter would add the new daughter-in-law Zeng; the Liu mother and daughter; the Wang mother and daughter would add Wang Jinling and Dabai.

In addition to the rented mule cart, Ye Mancang drove the mule cart of the old Ye family. The two carts were very spacious, and it was okay to put two quilts on the road for a nap.

As a result, when it was time to set off, Ye Xusheng first expressed that he wanted to accompany them, and then the mother and daughter of the old Qian family and the mother and daughter of the Xiao Qian family all dressed up and expressed that they would also go to the temple fair.

Everyone was speechless.

If you want to go, you can't say it first. The big guy should be prepared before hiring a mule cart.

The Wang family, the Bai family, and the Liu family all carried a lot of things with them, including food, food for the road, and incense paper. It was nothing at first, but with the addition of these few people, it was really too crowded. open.

Moreover, the direction to Xinghua Temple runs in the opposite direction from Pingning Town, so it is impossible to rent another mule cart.

But Mrs. Wang couldn't refuse.

After all, Old Qian's request was not too much.

In her words, "My old lady is nestling at home every day, and her hair is almost growing, so I happened to go to the temple fair to see the scene."

Mrs. Cao is responsible for the work of the left and right families, and now the soybeans and mung beans used at home are all bought from the grain store, which are very clean and do not need to be picked.

Old Qian's mother and daughter were going, and the younger generation had no reason to say no.

But Xiaoqian's is different, it's not to bully her, but Xiao Xuyang can't leave her mother.

This person is also a big-hearted person. With the child in such a situation, she can safely throw it to Mrs. Cao and play by herself.

They are all mothers, and Wang, Bai, and Liu all despise them.

At the moment Ye Laijin is still busy in the vegetable garden and doesn't know that she is a demon.

Before this, the old Qian, who also didn't know that she had such an idea, was a little annoyed now, "I didn't take good care of Xuyang, but I thought about wandering around, I can't beat you to death, you are not in tune!"

Xiaoqian's face was bluish and red.

How did she know that her mother-in-law and sister-in-law were going?
Originally, she had made up her mind to follow Wang and the others secretly while her husband was away. Anyway, there were servants at home, and her son was taken care of. Besides, she went to worship Buddha to offer incense to pray for the Buddha to bless her son. She can't?

It happened that there was old Qian's immediate boss, her plan was doomed to fail.

Finally, the two mule carts were rearranged:

Old Ye, Wang, Bai, Liu and new daughter-in-law Zeng took a rented mule cart, and Ye Mancang was on the carriage to escort the cart.

Ye Guihua, He Xiner, Ye Yuanyuan, Guan Cuizhi, Ye Feifeng, and Wang Jinling sat in their own mule cart, Ye Xusheng drove the cart, and Dabai escorted the cart.

Guan Cuizhi's new favorite, Xiao Hei, was carried into the car by her, lying at her feet all the time, very well-behaved.

During a break on the way, Guan Cuizhi finally seized the opportunity and grabbed Xiao Hei to get close to Da Bai, but this guy was so cowardly that Cui Zhi lost face and was so annoyed that she didn't even want this little guy anymore.

But as soon as he took two steps, the little thing chased after him with tears in his eyes.

She really couldn't bear to scold her.

Wang Jinling's kid's laughter made the big guys look over, and when they figured out what was going on, they laughed as much as they could.

Liu even burst into tears with laughter, "This girl cares about Dabai, and she wants to raise a big dog like Dabai, so she instigates her father to search for her everywhere, and the two of you pick and choose Not a single eye-catcher."

"It's hard to fall in love with Xiao Hei Clever, who would have thought that she is actually looking for an apprentice for Da Bai!"

(End of this chapter)

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