The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1217 How nice is Xiao Hei

Chapter 1217 How nice is Xiao Hei
In front of Mrs. Qian, Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Bai, and Mrs. Liu sat upright in the carriage, and they didn't laugh too much, and Mrs. Zeng's even more rigid hands and feet almost had no place to put them.

Banban sat upright for more than half an hour, with his back straight, and everyone felt tired.

Hearing the laughing and joking of the juniors, they were all a little helpless.

A long time ago, I made up my mind, and today I must have a good day of fun and trouble, but it turned out that I followed the black-faced old godly woman and put on a show, and asked Wang to bring her food and food from time to time. Drinking, like this for a while, then like that for a while, making everyone a little annoyed.

After holding back halfway like this, when Ye Mancang shouted to rest here, it was just what everyone wanted, and they could get out of the car to relax and not have to face that old face for the time being.

In March of Yangchun, the grass grows and the warblers fly, which is a good time for outings.

The sun is shining today, the sky is bright and the air is clear, and the air is mixed with wisps of green grass, which makes people feel refreshed and refreshed.

Everyone was in a good mood, chatting and laughing casually, wandering around to see the scene.

The Liu family were amused by Guan Cuizhi's actions, so they simply chatted about this topic, stopped wandering around, and found a few clean stones to sit and bask in the sun.

Mrs. Zeng couldn't get in the way, and she was too embarrassed to play around with Ye Yuanyuan and the others, so she obediently stood behind her mother-in-law and set the rules.

In the end, she was chased away by Mrs. Bai, "Don't worry if you come out to play, go and play with your sister."


Zeng responded softly, looking for Ye Yuanyuan and the others with bright eyes.

She has never been so carefree at home. She can go out to play in a mule cart without doing work, which is just like a dream.

She is envious of her sister-in-law from the bottom of her heart, the girl Yuanyuan is held in the palm of the hand by the whole family, not to mention doing rough work, she also dresses up beautifully every day, playing around, not to mention how happy she is.

Envy is envy, she will not be jealous.

But she knew that the family's money was almost all earned by Yuanyuan girl. She was able to live in such a spacious and majestic green brick house because of her sister-in-law's welfare.

I just can't figure out how such a delicate and delicate girl can earn so much money.

Moreover, according to the opinion of the elders in the family, the two girls who got along well with my sister-in-law are the most powerful, especially the girl Xin'er in my family. It is said that she came up with the idea of ​​making a living at home.

When the father-in-law talked about it, he praised her for having seven orifices in her heart and unparalleled intelligence.

What Zeng said made his heart burn.

If I tell that girl to my elder brother...


The resting place chosen by Ye Mancang and Ye Xusheng together is a meandering small river, the water is clear and clear, the breeze blows through, and the turquoise water creates layers of ripples, refracting finely divided rays of light, like a layer of broken diamonds, which is very special. Dazzling, charming~
The industrious Ye Mancang filled a pot of clear spring water with the kettle he carried in the car, set up a simple stove and lit a fire to boil it, and happily watched Ye Xusheng, who was putting fish in the water, by the fire.

He Xiner and Ye Yuanyuan stood by the river together, as if petrified, not daring to move, holding their breath and staring at the sharp branch in Ye Xusheng's hand.

Ye Feifeng followed Ye Guihua into a grove by the river to pick wild flowers, turning her head to look at the river from time to time, her heart itching tight.

Guan Cuizhi and Wang Jinling hugged Xiao Hei and Dabai together, and together they persuaded Dabai to accept apprentices, but the arrogant Dabai was too principled and never paid attention to the little guy.

It didn't take long for the two of them to speak dryly, and then it glanced at the little one, the disdain in its eyes was not too obvious, it hit the little beauty Cuizhi not lightly, she pursed her mouth listlessly, with a heartbroken expression Looking sad. .

Seeing that little Wang Jinling couldn't bear it, she put her arms around Dabai's neck and murmured in a low voice, "How wonderful is Xiaohei, cute and well-behaved, can you just accept it? I'll ask Sister Xin'er to bake you a cake to eat."

(End of this chapter)

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