Chapter 1218
Everyone set off early, so they didn't have time to have a good breakfast, so they just muttered casually, and they were all a little hungry after the bumpy ride in the mule cart.

I just came out to play, and it was still early, so I was not in a hurry and had fun.

Old Qian was not very interested in mountains and rivers, so he ate all the way, and his stomach was full, so he took advantage of everyone getting out of the car to hide and sleep comfortably, but was caught A strange fragrance awakened her, she sniffed hard, it was not a dream, she was overjoyed.

Xingsong jumped out of the car anxiously with her old eyes, smelling the smell all the way to the river, and saw her eldest grandson holding a handful of branches in both hands, all of which were stuck with small fish, stretching them out on the fire to roast, while the second girl didn't Knowing what was sprinkled on it, the smell suddenly became more intense.

All the juniors stared eagerly at the grilled fish and surrounded it.

Zeng Shi and Ye Mancang were busy making fried noodles for everyone, and the sweet smell wafted out, intertwined with the smell of grilled fish, not to mention how tempting it was.

Old Qian quietly swallowed.

Xindao Bai and the others prepared quite a few guys, and the pots and pans are really complete.

Holding an empty kettle, Mrs. Zeng, who was about to fetch water again, turned around when she saw old Mrs. Qian who was drooling, and hurriedly said softly, "The fried noodles are a bit hot just after washing them. Second grandma, wait a minute. The grilled fish will be ready soon. Let's have dinner."

Old Qian was quite satisfied with her attitude, and waved his hand, "Well, go about your business."

She put on airs very well, showing the sense of superiority of an old lady from a wealthy family, her attitude was arrogant, and her tone was indifferent.

Zeng originally wanted to please her, but seeing this, she had no choice but to give up.

Not urgent.

Take it easy.

That girl is still young.

"Brother Datang is amazing, the heat is just right, just looking at the golden color, I have an appetite, and the smell is so wafting, it makes my stomach growl loudly! "

"That's all right, tell Second Aunt and the others to eat."

A clear voice sounded, with a few hints of smiles, and full of pampering~
Hearing this, Zeng could not help being envious, Xin Daosheng is a scholar, he is refined, kind and gentle, look at Xin girl's eyes, almost softened.

It can be seen that he is a good brother who loves his sister.

Such a man must also be a good husband-in-law who loves his wife.


Zeng's eyes became extremely bright with a brush.

My second sister is thirteen this year, although she is a few years younger than him, as long as she has the heart, it's nothing.

Sheng boy is good-looking, good at studying, and his family is rich, ahhhhh, he fully meets the requirements of the second sister!
There is no one more suitable than him for the people from all over the world.

Ouch, such a good man must not be missed.

Ah, girl Xin married the eldest brother, and the second younger sister married the younger brother, so get closer!

Go home another day and talk to your parents, and your parents will be happy.

Just like that, Zeng unilaterally and happily booked the two brothers and sisters.


Everyone was blowing the breeze, drinking fried noodles, eating grilled fish, talking and laughing, feeling comfortable and comfortable.

Old Qian, who ate pastries all the way, stuffed himself with a bowl of fried noodles and two small fishes until he was full, sat holding his breath, and had to stroll along the small river to digest his food.

The man driving the car had already eaten, and he smiled happily. He went straight to the road and always filled his stomach with two dry corned buns. It was the first time he ate so comfortably.

Ye Mancang and Ye Xusheng said some polite words to him, tied the frame together and continued on their way.

The two mules were full of food and drink, and set off again energetically, without stopping all the way, they went straight to Yuhua Mountain.

Before reaching the foot of the mountain, I could hear all kinds of lively cries from afar.

He Xiner and the girls couldn't help raising the curtains of the car to see the scenery. They saw a wide open space at the foot of the mountain, filled with various stalls. From afar, there were crowds of people jostling with each other. .

(End of this chapter)

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