The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1230 This is going to eat me

Chapter 1230 This is going to eat me
Everyone rested their spirits, and Yiyi was reluctant to say goodbye to Zhang Dongqiang.

Originally, he was going to invite him to go back together, but he said that he had an appointment with Master Minghui to play chess, and he would come back tomorrow.

He Xiner suddenly realized that it turned out that Big Brother Zhang really had a deep friendship with the eminent monks in the temple, no wonder.

Ye Xusheng took a deep look at his friend, pursed his lips and remained silent.

After eating and drinking, Mrs. Qian regained her spirits. With the support of Mrs. Zeng, the old gods and gods were there, and they led everyone down the mountain together, feeling like a rich and powerful old lady.

It's a pity, with a group of women and maids following her, that's enough style.

The speed of going down the mountain is quite fast. The main reason is that everyone wants to stroll down the mountain. It is not easy to go out. They have to buy some rare items to go back as a souvenir.

None of them are short of money, and it’s rare to let go of playing and having fun. Everyone has the same idea, and you have to have fun when you play!

At the foot of the mountain, there was still a long way to go between the stalls and vendors, and little Wang Jinling shouted impatiently, "Sister Xin'er, I want to buy sugar paintings, the ones with tigers."

"Okay, okay, I'll buy you a little tiger to chew on and play with."

"Hey, I've wanted to buy one too, I like little rabbits the most."

"When we came, I saw someone holding a sugar painting of a butterfly. It was so beautiful. I thought about it a long time ago. I will buy a butterfly sugar painting when I go down the mountain."

"Haha, tell me that no matter what the pattern is, it will be eaten sooner or later. It's better to ask for the one with a lot of sugar, or a big carp."

"Then I want a phoenix one. There's a lot of candy, and it's pretty good."

"Aren't you called Feifeng? Are you going to eat yourself?"

Seeing Ye Feifeng taking the initiative to get close to He Xiner, Ye Guihua felt uncomfortable, couldn't help but speak, and tickled her lukewarmly.

Ye Feifeng's face was swollen due to being overwhelmed.

Back then, her mother wanted her to marry high and gave her this name. At that time, she was still complacent, feeling that sooner or later she would fly on a branch and become a phoenix.

Especially when Wu Shi said something to her sister-in-law at that time, she was really tempted, and all she could think about was how to please Wu Shi, and begged her to give to the big family in Shuomen County.

She is prettier than my sister-in-law.

If my sister-in-law can marry in the county, so can she.

Who knows that Mrs. Wu is a vicious person.

That is to say, something happened to Ye Xiner, if it was her, Dabai couldn't search for her desperately.

Thinking about that moment when she was still crying and clamoring to go to the county town with Mrs. Wu, she couldn't help shivering.

Then Mrs. Wu is the daughter-in-law of the third uncle, she is pregnant with the child of the old Ye family, and she is so vicious that she wants to sell the child of the old Ye family.

It can be seen how scary the people outside are.

The smiling face in front of you will be close to you, and you will be sold when you turn around.

She, she doesn't want to fly to the branches now, and she doesn't want to marry to the county town.

There is a suitable candidate around, so why bother to look far away.

Uncle Zhang and Dad are on good terms, and Big Brother Zhang is also a good friend of Big Brother. The two families know each other well, so it can be said that they are well-matched.

Ye Feifeng couldn't help but blush when thinking of Zhang Dongqiang, who was in the posture of a celestial being.

Although it is said that the Zhang family is a hunter with no land or land, but brother Zhang is so well dressed, he is not short of money at first glance, not to mention he is so good-looking, even if he has no money, she is willing.

That's, that's, why does she feel that Ye Xiner treats Big Brother Zhang as if, as if...

Ye Feifeng was really afraid that He Xiner would fall in love with Zhang Dongqiang!

After all, He Xiner is prettier than her, and the second wife is rich, so the dowry money must be more than her.

Thinking about it this way, she really didn't know what to do, so she wanted to get closer to He Xiner so that she could catch her words.

If, just in case, if the other party really has that kind of thought, she'd better make a plan earlier.

As for what to do, she actually didn't have a good idea.

(End of this chapter)

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