The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1231 Have you brought money

Chapter 1231 Have you brought money
Ye Feifeng thought to herself: Brother Zhang is as good as Brother Zhang, as long as he speaks nice words for him, Brother Zhang should be able to listen, right?

Although the eldest brother has always loved Ye Xiner the most, but, she is his only biological sister!
She doesn't ask her elder brother to treat her like he loves Ye Xin'er, she only asks that this time, he can stand by her side in matters of life.

Second uncle and second aunt are waiting for Ye Xiner so much, they will definitely find her a good family, she doesn't have to be anxious about Big Brother Zhang.

It has to be said that Ye Feifeng is also a talent.Since meeting Zhang Dongqiang, in just over an hour, she can think of so many things, which is really not easy.

At this moment, she was run over by Ye Osmanthus, apart from being a little embarrassed, she was not annoyed at all, but she couldn't help but go to see her elder brother, vaguely hoping that he would make her a success.

As long as her brother cares about her, he will help her in matters of life.

Ye Feifeng stared at Ye Xusheng, but the other party turned a blind eye to her eagerly looking eyes. At this time, he was holding a brocade handkerchief to wipe He Xiner's hands, because she kept her hands busy all the way down the mountain, not a handle Grass is what pulls a flower.

Hearing that she wanted to eat just now, he hurriedly took out the handkerchief and wet it with water from the water bag to clean her hands.

She also softly warned, "There are too many people here today, so be careful not to be squeezed. Why don't you guys go and buy it, how about you wait here?"

"No, I still need to see how people draw it. Besides, it's interesting to go shopping by yourself. If you have Dabai following you, you won't be afraid of being crowded."

"I want to wipe my hands too, my cousin wipes it for me."

Wang Jinling smiled and raised her small hand, squeezing between the two, not to mention how happy she was.

Guan Cuizhi and Ye Yuanyuan also followed Ye Xusheng's example, taking out their handkerchiefs and asking Ye Xusheng to pour water for them to soak them.

Ye Feifeng stared blankly at them, they were so natural and familiar, each of them was more real than her own sister, she couldn't help feeling a little empty in her heart.

Ye Guihua rolled her eyes, the eldest nephew is just a fool, he is closer to an outsider than to his own family.

After looking around in a blink of an eye, he said, "Okay, don't look at it, and go buy sugar paintings."

A few women have already gone away with old Qian, there is no way, the old lady's eyes are sparkling, it is rare to see anything, and she has made up her mind to kill Wang ruthlessly, it is simply Can't wait for a moment.

Bai Shi, Liu Shi, and Zeng Shi are naturally the ones to keep up.

There are people everywhere, Ye Mancang is worried about a group of women, who will accompany his mother steadily and take care of everyone.

The disappointment in Ye Feifeng's eyes was so obvious that Ye Guihua curled her lips when she saw that her eldest nephew was partial, and she didn't know it the day before, as for that.

"Hey, I said, have you brought any silver? Don't expect me to buy it for you. I don't have much silver."

Although Ye Guihua doesn't have a lot of money, she can still get some pocket money. At the end of the year, she has saved all the dividends from Bean Sprout's business, and she doesn't need to spend money on her clothes and jewelry.

Speaking of which, Ye Feifeng is not as rich as she is in her hands. Her bean sprouts dividends are basically taken away by her mother, thanks to her father behind her mother's back, giving her some copper coins and letting her buy nodding flowers and so on. The child's small items, otherwise she would have no pocket money at all.

Now Ye Guihua's heart is chilling, and she doesn't care what her sister-in-law said, she said in a low voice, "I have enough money to buy sugar paintings."

This happened to be heard by He Xiner. She had just wiped her hands clean, and she didn't want to reach out to caress Dabai's ancestor who was so sticky with her. It made her raise her hands and giggle non-stop.

Then, I twisted my waist to compete with it, I pushed, I pushed, I pushed again...

I was having a great time when I heard the conversation between the two.

(End of this chapter)

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