The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1234 Just send my son with some gadgets

Chapter 1234 Just send my son with some gadgets

Little Wang Jinling only has a heart-to-heart, so he would go to any food stall to buy something to try, and he didn't forget to feed Dabai while eating.

Oh, she still wants to feed Xiao Hei.

But Xiao Hei doesn't like sweets, so she had to give up.

Because all she bought was sweet food, she held up her right hand to eat delicious food, and at the same time fed her left hand to Dabai's mouth, one person and one dog walked around while eating.

He looked at the passers-by in a daze.

Just imagine how much it costs to eat pastries?
Therefore, she spends the least.

He Xiner only picks some odd gadgets, such as a bird toy that can flap its wings or something, one of which she is rare for herself, and one that she buys back for Xiao Xuyang to play with, maybe he will like it.

The worst buy was Ye Guihua, her style was inherited from the old Qian family, but she really didn't let go of any stall, and she specially picked expensive ones to buy.

Ye Feifeng thought to herself, since her own brother paid for the money, she should be more honest than others, and of course she bought what was rare.

Fortunately, there are no too expensive items here, otherwise, according to their buying methods, ordinary people really can't bear it.

Although this place is big, they couldn't stand to stroll around. Soon, they met old Qian's group.

The two sides looked at it like this, good guy, they both bought it for a long time.

Come on, there are so many things that I can hardly carry them.

After shopping for a long time, I am almost tired, and I have bought all the things, so I have no energy to continue shopping.

As a result, a group of people returned to the parking place in a mighty manner.

The man driving the car looked at the two carts alone, and was about to fall asleep bored. When he saw them coming back, he grinned happily, thinking that this big family can really have fun, and they can play for a whole day. Into the village.

Old Mrs. Qian looked up at the sun in the sky, and said casually to Mrs. Wang, "It's getting late, we should go back. Go and buy some food. I'm worried about it on the way."

Bai Shi and Liu Shi rolled their eyes together, it wasn't her who was shopping and eating together just now, was it?

"Second Aunt is also tired, let's go to the car to rest first, and Xu Sheng and I will go shopping for food."

There are 1 people in Ye Mancang who look down on the old Qian family, and they get [-] to [-] every day.

She's just an old country woman, even if she has some money at home, she won't be so virtuous, right?

He really didn't want to see old Qian's frightened face anymore, he couldn't wait to throw everything in his hands into the carriage, and he pulled Ye Xusheng and fled.

Fortunately, everything went well.

Old Qian bought a lot of rare items, he was already in a good mood, and he could sit in the carriage and eat all kinds of delicious pastries, which were so beautiful that he didn't want to be a monster.

The little girls in the other car were joking and joking at the beginning, but with the jolting of the mule cart, the people who had long been exhausted fell asleep when they said they were talking, you pressed me, and I pillowed you, don’t mention too much Pro fragrance.

The journey went smoothly, and it was not yet Youshi when I entered the village.

After playing happily for a day, the old Qian was full of ambition, and directed everyone to handle things carefully, so he went to the upper room first.

When Xiaoqian heard the news and rushed to the upper room, he was almost blinded by the packed bags.

Before she could feel sour, He Xiner took a small bundle and brought it to her, and said, "These are for my cousin to play with, please keep them, auntie."

"Hmph, I bought so many things, so I sent my son away with some gadgets!"

Xiaoqian took the things unceremoniously, instead of thanking her, she complained casually, causing everyone in the room to look over in unison, all with unkind eyes.

"It's a disgraceful thing, get out of here!"

Before anyone else could say anything, Ye Laijin got annoyed first, hugged her son, and kicked her, not daring to shout loudly beside her son, but the tone was very cruel.

(End of this chapter)

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