Chapter 1235 A Selfish Thing

Don't look at the several burdensome things, but there are no Wang's mother and daughter, all belong to the old Qian's, Ye Guihua, and Ye Feifeng's.

While shopping, Mrs. Wang was instructed by Mrs. Qian to go around, to buy her food, and to pay her bills, so I don't have time to buy things.

And He Xiner was all Taodeng's gadgets suitable for Xiao Xuyang to play with, and she didn't buy them herself.

The female relatives in the family ran all the way to play, the gentlemen were thinking about it, and the other was curious.

If they didn't have work at home, they would also like to go out for a walk and see the scenery outside.

Therefore, before Little Qian came in, Old Ye Tou, Ye Laijin, and Ye Laiyin were listening to Wang Jinling's stories with great interest.

Old Qian wanted to show off his spirit, but unfortunately none of the three of them liked to listen to her.

Just looking at her extremely frightened old face, I panicked.

Girl Ling is good-looking and smart, learning the tongue from them, she is so vivid, it makes people feel as if she saw it with her own eyes.

The kid Wang Jinling has a small mouth, articulate, clear words, and special emotions. After learning the scenery on the mountain, he specially mentioned the good-looking big brother Zhang Dongqiang, and then he learned the shopping process perfectly. Colored, don't mention the feeling.

What she likes and is happy about, she naturally likes to preach.

He also introduced in detail, which bag belongs to grandma, which bag belongs to sister-in-law, which bag belongs to eldest cousin, and which bag belongs to sister Xin'er...

Not to mention Bala's clarification.

Coincidentally, as soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Qian entered the house with his youngest son in his arms.

When He Xiner picked up her only little bundle and said it was a toy for Xiao Xuyang, Ye Laijin was deeply moved.

Don't care about how many things are there, girl Xin can think about his son all the time, so he will remember this goodness.

Old Yetou was naturally also pleased.

That is to say, girl Xin has this kind of heart.

Others just...

The second child's family didn't buy anything, and I can understand why just thinking about it.

Not to mention that she doesn't have a lot of money, even if she has a lot of money, that old guy is not a person willing to spend. Didn't her several burdens come from raiding the second house?
It must be pulling the second child's family to pay her silver bills all the way, so that the second family has no time to buy a gadget by itself.

That's all, the second room is generous, and it's not like this every day.

But she is a mother-in-law, and she only cares about buying this and that for herself, wishing to draw all the good things into her arms, so she doesn't know how to buy a gadget for her little grandson.

You said that it is rare for you to travel far away to bring something to the children, which is also the heart of the elders, and besides, you don't have to pay for it yourself.

I can't even think of this!

It can be seen that he is careless.

Selfish stuff!
Not to mention sweet-scented osmanthus and the big girl, they have the same virtues as that old guy.

The eldest girl is Xu Yang's own sister.

How could Ye Laijin not think of what Old Yetou could think of?

He knows best how much money her own daughter has.

Just looking at the two bulging bags of things, it's not something she can afford by herself.

This is because others spend money, but they can't think of buying a small object for their own brother, so as to coax the child!

Ye Laijin's heart was complicated.

These thoughts flashed through his mind, and before the two of them had time to praise He Xiner, they saw that Xiaoqian was so good that he got a bargain.

Isn't this hurting the child's heart?
Ye Laiyin's face turned cold immediately, and Wang's face was also not good-looking.

Even Ye Feifeng felt ashamed and panicked.

At this time, she also suddenly felt embarrassed, because she didn't think about her little brother at all, and she didn't care about Ye Xin'er.

Ye Xusheng had never expected his mother to say anything nice, but he was still upset by his mother's response.

He feels sorry for Xin'er, very distressed~
Ye Laijin was the one who was most annoyed, he wished he could kick this worthless thing out of Ye Family Village.

If it wasn't for the fear of scaring his youngest son, he would really be able to do it, not to mention kicking that bastard out of Ye's village, kicking out of the old Ye's house would be a no-brainer.

(End of this chapter)

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