The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1236 Where did you get it

Chapter 1236 Where did you get it
When the big guy was extremely angry, Little Qian also felt extremely wronged.

Xianggong went too far. In front of the whole family, he scolded and kicked as soon as he said it, which made her mad.

what did she do?

Didn't she just tell the truth?
The people in the second room can do it, but can't people say it?
In vain, she gave birth to two golden grandchildren for Lao Ye's family, and she was the long-term housekeeper, but she got mixed up in this, so fucking useless.

Xiaoqian was kicked out of the upper room by her husband, the more she thought about it, the more unwilling she became, and she didn't dare to stand up to her husband, so she was so angry that she walked around in the hall.

After turning around five or six times, Ye Feifeng came in with two bundles in her arms, called her mother faintly, and was about to carry them into her room.

The five rooms in the east wing are suites, and she occupies two rooms in one room. It is spacious, but the entrance and exit must go through the main hall.

"Stop for my old lady!"

Xiaoqian was scolded and kicked because of things, and suddenly saw her daughter holding two burdens, and her mind was a little dazed.

"Where did you get it? Show it to my old lady."

"this is mine."

Ye Feifeng was in a low mood and didn't want to say anything more, bowed her head and continued walking in, but Xiao Qian grabbed her arm and pinched her twice fiercely, growling in a vicious voice:
"Come back to my old lady! You damn girl, don't you take my old lady seriously now? Dare you disobey my old lady's words, my old lady will kill you!"

Her arm hurt from being pinched, Ye Feifeng was annoyed, hated and wronged, and couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Stop crying and crying with my old lady, hurry up and tell me where you got the money to buy these old things? Did your father give it to you? Give it all to my old lady!"

"Big brother pays for the purchases."


Little Qian jumped up and down and screamed, the sound was so loud that it could knock down the roof, and Ye Feifeng's ears were buzzing.

Ye Feifeng felt inexplicably happy seeing her mother burn her tail with the fire.

"The several bags of things in the upper room were all bought with my son's money? Hey, I feel so sorry for my son's money. My mother gave birth to him and raised him. No, I have to settle accounts with that bitch Wang Huijuan, and that bitch who spent my son's money and put me here to pretend to be a good person, saying that she bought things for Xuyang, I'm piss!"

"My milk is not..."

Although Ye Feifeng was happy from the bottom of her heart, she didn't want her mother to run into the upper room and start a fight with the second room. It doesn't matter if she can't get it right, the key is, don't involve yourself in it.

She also didn't care about the movement in her hand, and ran into the room as soon as she put it on the ground.

Just halfway through the run, I heard her mother scold loudly and loudly, "Wang Huijuan, you bitch, you are taking advantage of my son, and you are pretending to be a wolf with a big tail in front of me! And that dead girl, bitch, bitch!" hooves..."



"Oh, fell to my death, I'm dead!"

In the upper room, Old Qian was proudly displaying her spoils with her boudoir, and Ye Guihua was also contentedly playing with the bracelet she just bought, stretching out a pair of fat paws to turn it over and over, not to mention looking hard.

Old Master Ye three asked Ye Xusheng what happened to Zhang Dongqiang.

The relationship between Lao Ye's family and Zhang's family is so good, but he has never seen the boy's face, which shows that he doesn't like to move around.

According to what Ling'er girl said, that kid is not only good-looking, but also has a lot of ability, and he was able to arrange meals for him in a place like a temple.

They couldn't figure it out, how can a person who stays at home every day be so capable?

Ye Xusheng was explaining there, saying that Dong Qiang and the eminent monk in Xinghua Temple were chess friends, while the other end was talking, Xiao Qian rushed in like crazy and started cursing.

In fact, Wang's people were not there at all. She went to the backyard to see how the dinner was going. He Xiner and Wang Jinling took Dabai who was waiting outside the door and went back to Xikuanyuan to wash up.

Ye Laijin was still the one who hit the person. At this time, Xiao Xuyang was held in Ye Xusheng's arms, and he played with him with a gadget, so as not to delay him from talking.

Ye Laijin, who was empty-handed, had no psychological burden when beating someone. He stepped forward with a big mouth, raised his leg and kicked him, kicking Xiaoqian to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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