The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1237 What do you have to say?

Chapter 1237 What do you have to say?
Ye Feifeng felt that she ran fast enough and didn't delay at all, but she was still a step too late, her mother had already been kicked to the ground and started howling and crying.

She wished she could turn around and leave.

In the end, he was afraid that this disaster would involve himself, so he had to bite the bullet.

Lifting the door curtain, Ye Feifeng shrugged and slumped down the wall into the upper room, suddenly feeling a bone-piercing chill hit her face.

It's her big brother!

You don't need to look at her to know how cold her elder brother's eyes are at this moment.

Ye Feifeng was about to die of anger from her mother!
When I went out today, my eldest brother bought her a lot of things with money, and his attitude was very good. Not only did he remember that what she wanted was a phoenix sugar painting, but he also handed it to her with a gentle face.

She felt so happy then.

It feels so good to be loved by someone.

Even if her elder brother was not as considerate and considerate to her as Ye Xiner, she was still very happy.

But now it was all ruined by her mother.

"Ye Feifeng, what do you have to say?"

There was no trace of warmth in Leng Bangbang's tone.

Ye Xusheng's eyes were sharp, and he stared coldly at the little girl with drooping head, as if they were enemies.

Ye Feifeng?
Heh, I still call her big sister in the afternoon.

Just because her mother scolded Ye Xiner, her brother pissed her off too.

Is Ye Xiner that good?

Let him be so partial to pampering?

It's just a curse that doesn't hurt or itch, it's like poking his lung tube, it hurts so badly.

She was beaten just now, who can feel sorry for her?
Ye Feifeng burst into tears like rain.

The old Mrs. Qian rolled her eyes and reprimanded bitterly, "I just went to worship Buddha today. It was supposed to be a happy and auspicious thing, but it was disturbed by you two bad luck. I can't make it through!"

She was really angry.

After living for a long time, it was the first time that she went out to play in such a dignified manner. Not only did she gain experience, but she also became addicted to shopping spree. She bought a lot of rare items, but she was very happy.

She came home now, but her heart was still floating, she was so happy that she could hardly find Bei.

But it's really hateful that these two girls want to make things difficult for her!
"Hey, mother, you have to use your conscience when you speak. It's Wang Huijuan who is so cheap... She's the one who bullies people too much."

Xiaoqian was about to scold a bitch, but from the corner of her eye, she saw Ye Laiyin grabbing the teapot in her hand so frightened that she hurriedly changed her words.

"Ye Feifeng!"

Ye Xusheng drank violently, and Ye Feifeng was so frightened that he didn't complain or grumble, "Mother ran away before listening to me, brother bought some gadgets for us, but the milk things are all second-hand." Aunt's money."

Xiaoqian was dumbfounded.

She also wanted to take the opportunity to rub Wang's down, who told her to take advantage of her family, just took the opportunity to tear her to the end.

"That, that is obviously the money paid by my son, the second girl pretends to sell well..."

Unable to find fault with Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Qian met He Xiner again.

"Xin girl doesn't need to sell well, she is better than anyone else."

Ye Laijin had a cold face, "As a big brother, Xu Sheng should buy some gadgets for his younger sisters. He pays for everything. Why don't you see the big girl thinking about Xu Yang?"

Ye Feifeng's face turned red.

Even a heartless person like Ye Guihua is a little embarrassing.

Old Yetou chased people away with a dark face, "Get away from me, it's annoying to watch."

One by one, they would stare at that thing, and feel ashamed to criticize girl Xin.

No matter who paid the money, girl Xin thought of Xu Yang because of her heart.

Besides, how she treats Xu Yang on weekdays, anyone with eyes can see it.

It's not like these few selfish things, who love to calculate even if they don't talk about it.

When Old Ye was angry, he scolded Old Qian as well, "When you're too old to do anything serious, you know what you want every day. It's not enough to take advantage of it. Look at the things you bought. What are these things?" Is it something that a person who is going through life can do?"

"The Shitian's family has a serious business to go to the mountain to worship Buddha, and the second son's family is also called to be a companion, you old man is not going to make a fuss, do you know where the Buddhist gate is open? What kind of garlic are you pretending to be?"

Old Qian was so angry that he fell backwards!

(End of this chapter)

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