The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1239 It's a good match

Chapter 1239 It's a good match

Breaking her fingers and counting one by one, He Xiner smiled sweetly.

In fact, she really wanted to say that her greatest treasure was Dabai, and having a smart and capable Dabai was enough to keep her safe.

She even wanted to say that both father and eldest brother made a big fuss over a molehill.

Besides, those are all bad people, and it has nothing to do with avoiding evil or not.

Hey, just think about those words in your heart, how could she really say that.

She is not stupid.

He Xiner's heart was so sweet, it was as sweet as eating honey.

"So, I have so many treasures, there is no need to add more. There are so many treasures in the temple, the hall brother should keep it for himself..."

"Xin'er, my elder brother invited you for this. The Liuxiang wood Buddha beads can cut off your troubles. My elder brother hopes that you will always be carefree and happy."

As he spoke, Ye Xusheng took out a string of Buddhist beads and put them on He Xiner's left wrist himself.

Needless to say, the unique color and pattern of Liuxiangmu and the deep wine red lobular red sandalwood are a perfect match.

One quiet, one restrained;
He Xiner's eyes were filled with admiration.

Ye Xusheng looked at her softly, and said in a deep voice, "Does Xin'er like it?"

"I like it, but..."

"It's good that Xin'er likes it."

Slightly domineering and full of pampering, the handsome young man in the light, his eyes as gentle as water, focused on the charming girl with a sweet smile.

"Hee hee, then thank you hall brother."

After putting on the clothes, He Xiner was no longer pretentious.

"Do you like to wear your left hand or your right hand?"

He Xiner took another string of Buddhist beads, carefully admiring them in the candlelight, and did not forget to ask the eldest brother for his opinion.

"Right hand."

The slightly hoarse voice contained a hint of inexplicable emotion.

He Xiner didn't notice anything, she smiled and pulled the right hand of the hall brother, imitating him, and put the Buddhist beads on his right hand.

Ye Xusheng's eyes were deep and his heart was agitated.

"Hee hee, mine is on the left hand, and the hall brother's is on the right hand. It's a perfect match."

Ye Xusheng's heart skipped a beat, he opened his mouth and said nothing.


The days that followed were relatively peaceful.

Except for the old Qian who was always finding faults and cleaning up the little Qian, everything else was normal.

After closing for a day, the small doll workshop is busy again like a raging fire.

Bai Shi still didn't bring his daughter-in-law Zeng Shi along.

It's not that he doesn't trust her.

Just wanting to keep it a secret.

Her four sisters-in-law have as many eyes and hearts as a sieve, so they have to be careful.

The new daughter-in-law can't hide her face, and if she is entangled by them, she will inevitably be caught.

Thinking so, she simply hid it from Mrs. Zeng.

With her, three old masters and three little girls, it is more than enough to make a living, so there is no need to add more people.

During the day, He Xiner happily made toys with everyone, but at night she sadly went for a run in the mountains, exhausting her time and time again.

It's just that no matter how much she acted like a baby, the devil instructor stood firm, which made her really lose her temper.

This day and night, he still ran for half an hour, and He Xiner was so tired that he couldn't help walking.

Ye Xusheng looked distressed, helped her to sit on a clean stone, and squatted down to massage her legs.

"How good is this strength?"

"It's a little heavy."

"How is it now?"

"Hey, it's all right, the big brother's massage technique is getting better and better. After you press it like this, the soreness is gone."

Even though it was March in Yangchun at this time, at night, the temperature was still very low and the mountain wind was cold. He Xiner, who was sweating profusely, was blown by the wind, which made her shiver and couldn't help muttering He said, "It is said that the spring breeze in February is like scissors. Why do you still use scissors to cut and cut in March..."

(End of this chapter)

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