The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1240 We have been together, okay

Chapter 1240 We have been together, okay
Ye Xusheng smiled lightly.

"Go back, big brother will carry you."

"Hey, then I'm welcome."

Although she was strictly required to run for half an hour, seeing her sweating profusely and panting, Ye Xusheng felt distressed.

Running is running, and when the running is over, he will never let the tired little girl walk down the mountain by herself.

With the bright moon like a silver plate on his head, Ye Xusheng walked steadily with He Xiner on his back.

"In a few days, my cousin Xiang Dong will get married. My little cousin and I will go to grandma's house with my mother, and my father will be busy with the housework. When he says he will send us there, he will congratulate his uncle and leave. , Straight up, that's considered showing off, so I won't lose the show."

"I think my father just feels out of sorts and doesn't want to stay at my grandma's house any longer."

"Ah, my mother doesn't know about the fact that my aunt is gone, but don't be sad when you find out."

He Xin'er closed her eyes and lay on the shoulder of her eldest brother, chatting nonsense.

She was already extremely tired, and the slight bumps caused by walking made her sleepy.

On weekdays, she is always full of energy. She has a lively temperament, and she speaks crisply, with a clear and delicate voice. Now she is so sleepy that she can't keep her eyes open, listless, and her speech is a little weak.

Well, it sounded like a child raving, soft and waxy, and Ye Xusheng's heart softened when he heard it.

A round of bright circles is in the sky, the moonlight is like water, and the mountains and forests are quiet.

Ye Xusheng walked extremely fast, but the noise he made was not loud, as if he had merged with this silent mountain.



The little girl has fallen asleep.

"Xin'er, we'll be together all the time, okay? Brother will carry you for the rest of our lives."

A soft murmur, quickly drifting away with the wind.

He Xiner in her sleep knew nothing.

For a moment, Ye Xusheng thought of a lot, and his mind was like a mess, and he couldn't make sense of it.


On March [-]th, it was the day when the old Wang's parents and grandson Wang Xiangdong got married.

The afternoon before, Ye Laiyin drove Wang Shi, He Xiner, little friend Wang Jinling, and Dabai to Wangjiazhuang in a mule cart.

Yes, Ye Laiyin doesn't care whether it's suitable to bring Dabai with him on occasions like marriage.

Dabai must stay by his daughter's side, so that he can rest assured.

As soon as the group arrived outside the gate of the old Wang's house, they were warmly welcomed by everyone in the old Wang's house.

Dabai was also warmly welcomed by Wang Xiangdong and his brothers, and all the old acquaintances stepped forward to play with him.

Ye Laiyin looked at it calmly, but he didn't see the Tian family coming, so he calmed down a lot, and said some polite words before leaving.

He has told Dabai many times, and it is such a festive day, but there are people everywhere, so there is nothing to worry about.

Although the Wang family was in a hurry, they did not dare to neglect the mother and daughter of the old Ye family. They cleaned out the two wing rooms early, with all the furniture and furnishings, and the bedding and other bedding were all newly made and clean.

This is the first time Wang has been married at her mother's house for many years, and she feels unspeakably happy.

Not to mention He Xiner, with her little cousin by her side, it was hard to be unhappy.

There are still quite a few relatives in the old Wang family, and they will come to help in such a big event as getting married. In addition, the old Wang family has been booming in the past two years. No one wants to miss this opportunity to get close. Almost the whole family is out , I can't help with specific jobs, and I'm still holding a personal field.

The occasion of getting married is the more lively the better.

Every time Mrs. Wang came home, the whole family was together, and she didn't have much time to talk to her own mother, let alone walk around the village.

Although the members of the Wang clan have heard that Lao Ye's family is now rich and noble, and even Ling girl lives in Lao Ye's family, they have never seen Wang's mother and daughter.

When I saw it today, it was extraordinary.

No wonder it is said that the old Ye family is rich.

(End of this chapter)

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