The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1245 Is that chapter true?

Chapter 1245 Is That True?
A group of people are all sour, they look down on her family, and there is such an excuse, scholars, the whole Wangjiazhuang has no more than one slap in the face of children studying, and they are all yellow-mouthed children.

In short, people have blocked the conversation, and there is no way to chat any more today.

There were also people who quietly glanced at Wang's clothes and jewelry, sighing inwardly, Lao Ye's family is so rich, it's just her family's wish to be promoted, it's just their wishful thinking. .

If it were her, she would not marry her daughter to a poor and white family to endure hardship.

How could you have been obsessed with ghosts before, and moved your mind so much?

Now that Wang Shi has been pissed off, it is almost impossible to try again.

A group of people said goodbye bitterly.

"This, this is really..."

When those people were sent away, Wang couldn't help sighing, Xin'er was still a half-grown child, so one or two of them were targeted.

It's not for her family's money!
Only this point, no matter how good her kid is, she will never agree.

Thinking of this, Wang's heart shuddered, and she couldn't help but get angry when she thought of how her elder sister plotted against her daughter.

I really can't wait to scratch that bitch's face.

However, on such a festive day, if the disturbance is really ugly, she should avoid it for a while, and leave it to Xianggong and Xu Sheng to trouble the Cao family.

"Mother, are the people from the Cao family coming?"

The reason why she asked this question was because her father had said at the time that no one surnamed Cao would be allowed to enter Lao Wang's house, but Xiang Dong's marriage was a big deal, and if, what if her father was afraid that people would ask about his good looks, he invited Lao Cao's family to marry him. It's not easy for her to say anything if people from other places come.

It was her business to sever ties with that person, but she had no right to ask her parents to sever ties with that person.

Mrs. Wang was taken aback.

"Not coming, not coming again."

The old lady's tone was low.

Huiyun's death caused Daxing, who had originally planned to get married in March, to postpone the marriage for three years because of his filial piety. Three years, by then, Daxing's child would be 21.

I heard that something went wrong in the Cao family's tofu business, and they could no longer make a living by making tofu. They even lost a lot of money, and the old Cao family was completely defeated.

In the first month of the lunar year, he was the most important person in the world, and his retribution came so quickly...

The old lady's heart hurts.

That bastard is no longer a thing, but a piece of flesh that fell from her body. How could she, how could she be so cruel that she left her elderly mother behind and just left?

An unfilial daughter, she was disobedient since she was a child, and at the end of the day, she, a white-haired mother, will be sent to a black-haired man. .

"Mom, what's the matter with you? It's good if she doesn't come, wait for a while..."

The old lady tried her best to suppress the tears welling up in her eyes, and said in a hoarse voice, "You are tired too..."

"Second sister, second sister, is that true?"

"Second sister, let's make things clear today..."

Feng Shi and Jiang Shi, who were doing work in the new house, were stunned by the sour words of a family member, and then they couldn't take care of the work and ran away.

As soon as they entered the door of the upper room, and before they entered the inner room, the two of them flirted with each other.

That posture seems to be that the old Ye family has let them down.

It's that kind: How can you, Wang Huijuan, dislike the poor and love the rich, and don't want your own son-in-law? Aren't you treacherous?
Before Wang came back to her senses, the two rushed in hastily, their expressions of accusation should not be too obvious.

"Sister-in-law, what's wrong with second sister-in-law?"

Wang frowned.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? Hey, no, I said Second Sister, you can't dislike our old Wang's family..."

Jiang Shi was so anxious that she almost jumped on her feet and roared, after all, she didn't dare to offend Lao Ye's family in vain, but she didn't dare to roar, but it was really urgent, she blushed and her neck was thick with anxiety, panting heavily while speaking.

Old Mrs. Wang was furious, "Get out of here, just do what you have to do."

(End of this chapter)

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