Chapter 1246 No Future
"Mother, it's useless for you to yell all the time, this matter must be made clear."

"My sister-in-law is about to become a mother-in-law. It's not very nice to contradict her mother-in-law like this."

"you you……"

Mrs. Feng was about to die of anger. Fortunately, you Wang Huijuan, who usually pretends to be gentle and virtuous, and dare not speak loudly, now dares to teach my old lady a lesson. You are really, really a villain!
Isn't it because Lao Ye's family has two silver coins?

Yes, silver!

Can't be angry, can't turn your face.

Just when Feng's mind was spinning rapidly, Jiang was already presenting the facts and reasoning: "Second sister, don't make mistakes, Xin girl is such a delicate girl, she is about to marry unexpectedly. For an outsider, I don't know what kind of temper, if it's a bastard, wouldn't girl Xin be wronged?"

"Scholars are not necessarily all good. They don't all say what they say, oh, yes, gentle scum, that is to say, that person is a big villain wearing his own skin."

"Besides, you're willing to pass on all the wealth you've saved your whole life to an outsider?"

"You watched that kid Xiangbei grow up. Don't you know what kind of temperament he is? He is the most honest. In the future..."

Mrs. Wang couldn't keep up with her mind, and she listened for a long time in a daze. When she arrived here, there was still something she didn't understand. She couldn't help being angry and anxious, and interrupted her in a deep voice: "There is no future, second sister-in-law don't want to say that. Wait for words that have no boundaries."

"you you you!"

Jiang Shi was about to lose her temper, but she didn't dare to turn against her, she blushed so anxiously, "Second Sister, you can't love the rich and the poor!"

Feng's family is also anxious, "Xiang Bei is still a kid, the second younger brother and sister don't talk about those things, or Xiang Nan is a good match for Xin girl..."

"Sister-in-law be careful!"

My daughter is an idea, and she can do it without her in the early stage. The old Mrs. Wang just sat on the bed of the kang coldly and didn't interrupt. These two greedy things are not enough to take advantage of each other.

If it weren't for girl Xin, the family wouldn't have such a good life now.

To be favored by others, not to mention thinking about how to repay, but even thinking about the money from others.

Hmph, I really dare to say it.

This is to take over all the belongings of the daughter's family.

darn thing!

Old Mrs. Wang was so angry that she felt tight in her chest and short of breath, and she almost lost her breath.

She never established the mother-in-law rules, which caused Feng Shi and Jiang Shi to not take her words seriously.

In fact, Wang's temperament followed his own mother's.

But now her attitude is very firm, her entire aura is fully open, without leaving a trace, her voice is sonorous and forceful, and her tone is firm: "The girl of the old Ye family has her own people from the old Ye family to preside over the marriage. Second sister-in-law, worry about it."

"Sister-in-law and sister-in-law don't talk about these endless nonsense anymore. If it spreads and ruins Xin'er's reputation, the old Ye family will not let it go."

Wang's eyes are firm, and his face is determined.

The hands shrunk in the fat armholes trembled with anger.

These people, these people, one or two will plot against her daughter.

Wang's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

He was a soft-tempered person since he was a child, and he was forced to swear at others.

White-eyed wolf!
All white-eyed wolves!

"What should be said, I have made it clear. If the elder sister-in-law and second sister-in-law still want to recognize the relatives of Lao Ye's family, please take back what you just said, and I will pretend that I didn't hear it."

Feng Shi and Jiang Shi were choked so hard that their breath was stuck in their hearts, and they couldn't vomit or swallow, they were so stuffy that their hearts ached.

Before, he was obviously a stubborn temper, but now he is so stubborn.

It's not because of the money at home!

But it's because of the money, people have money, the waist is naturally strong, and even the natal sister-in-law dares to speak sarcasticly.

(End of this chapter)

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