The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1247 It's reasonable for her to co-author

Chapter 1247 It's reasonable for her to co-author

Wang was really angry.

Otherwise, you can't say such a heavy word.

She really thought so and said so.

If you dare to plot against her Xin'er, then prepare to break off the relationship.

Feng Shi and Jiang Shi were angry and annoyed, but they had nothing to do with her.

They also saw Ye Laiyin's thunderous fury back then when that bitch Wang Huiyun acted as a monster, so they didn't dare to use the method of waiting for the third death to plot against He Xiner.

All hope is betting on Wang.

Thinking that she doesn't have a son by her side and needs the support of her mother's family; thinking of her soft and easy-going temperament, she will definitely be able to listen to those reasons explained to her.

The only question is which nephew to choose as son-in-law.

For this reason, Mrs. Jiang is full of confidence.

Among the five sons and grandchildren of Lao Wang's family, only her Xiangbei is about the same age as that girl, and he is the best match, so everyone else should stand aside.

Feng Shi didn't think so. Among the boys, Xiang Nan was honest, thoughtful and considerate, and she would definitely love his daughter-in-law in the future.

Although she is a few years older than girl Xin, we don't mind waiting two years.

It's all right.

Therefore, both of them wanted to take advantage of Wang's return home and Ye Laiyin's absence, to quickly brainwash her, and then strike a deal while the iron is hot.

As long as Mrs. Wang nodded, Ye Laiyin would not be able to repent even if she wanted to.

After all, how important a girl's reputation is, it can't be just a joke.

It was originally calculated, and I will find an opportunity in the evening to finalize the marriage with Mrs. Wang, and I will announce it in a high-profile manner in front of the big guys tomorrow.

The old Wang's family has double happiness, how festive it is!

The most important thing is that this word has spread, and there is no room for reversal.

At that time, you will definitely receive envious and jealous eyes from the whole clan.

Ah, just thinking about it makes me happy!

But obviously, everything didn't go according to their plan, completely beyond their expectations.

One didn't expect that those in the clan who were so poor that they would have enough to eat would dare to attack Lao Ye's family, and the other didn't expect the Wang family to be so stubborn.

Feng's and Jiang's teeth itched with hatred.

But Mrs. Wang yelled out the words of breaking off the marriage, and they didn't dare to insist on it. Suppressing a raging fire, they swallowed their breath and left the upper room.

Mrs. Jiang complained angrily about Mrs. Feng's nonsense, and she didn't even look at how old Xiang Nan was, and whether she could like her, she just tossed around, and said that because of her meddling, the second younger sister was in a dilemma, so she simply came here. If you don't offend, you just say it to death.

Jiang was so angry that he fell backwards!

Is it reasonable to cooperate with her?
If she hadn't said that the family was not a family property, Wang Huijuan might not have turned her face.

The two were full of resentment, the more they thought about it, the more angry they became, and they were about to start a fight, which alarmed all the gentlemen.

Old Wang's head was almost pouted by these two idiots.

With such a blatant quarrel, what is it to be the granddaughter of Lao Ye's family?
Is it an object for random competition?
Or a shiny gold ingot?
Thanks to the late hour, all the helpers have gone back. Otherwise, if these words spread, who would their family be?
Besides, wouldn't that ruin girl Xin's reputation?

It's strange that Lao Ye's family can let it go.

"Boss, second child!"

The old king roared violently.

Uncle Wang and Uncle Wang, who were thinking about something, were suddenly awakened, and hurried forward to pull them away, and each went back to the room.

Wang Xiangnan and Wang Xiangbei, who were mentioned by the two, blushed with embarrassment and ran away.

The cousin of the Ye family is beautiful and intelligent, so they naturally like it, but both of them understand that their family's conditions are not worthy of the old Ye's family.

So, they never thought about that.

In their hearts, cousin Ye's cousin, like sister Jinling, is a sister they want to cherish.

Their mothers are really, really dare to think.

(End of this chapter)

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