Chapter 1250 Are You A Pig

He Xiner could clearly feel the change in the atmosphere.

Before her mother opened her mouth, the feeling of harmony was a bit false, since her mother opened the golden mouth, well, the heat was so hot that it was about to boil.

When did my mother become so powerful?

How could she not know.

Seeing her grandma showing a gratified smile, He Xiner blinked.

Well, eat.

There is no rule for farmers to not talk when they eat or sleep, so they still talk when they are eating.

Isn’t it true that Mrs. Wang spoke up? The old Wangtou was very pleased. He felt that his daughter’s knowledge was general, and he would talk a lot when he was happy. He first praised the recipe of potatoes and crispy meat, and then said with some emotion, “ It's strange to say that during this solar term, there are no fresh potatoes, and I don't know how people plant them, so they can be harvested so early."

"Who says no, the potatoes in our vegetable garden haven't sprouted yet."

He Xiner raised her eyebrows and looked at her mother.

At the same time, Mrs. Wang also looked over, and the two of them met each other's eyes.

"Grandpa, I know how potatoes are grown."

The girl's crisp voice broke the buzzing discussion, and everyone at the table looked over.

He Xiner chuckled.

Wang Shi also smiled.

Old Wang's family members were all stunned, not knowing what the strange smiles of the couple meant.

I don't blame them for their overthinking, but the smiles of the mother and daughter are really inexplicable. They are not polite smiles when talking with people at all, but a kind of indescribable feeling.

The expressions of the two girls are a bit deep~

So what are you two laughing at?

Naturally, I lamented the villain in my heart.

She knows all about Lao Ye's potatoes, garlic, and leek moss, as well as the doll business of their second room, and she has never hidden it from her.

Oh, yes, and black wolfberry.

In short, the villain knows everything.

But no one told her to keep it a secret.

But the villain can keep his mouth shut, which is really rare.

He Xiner patted the little cousin beside her on the head, and said with a smile, "Cousin, tell grandpa how those potatoes were grown."


The little girl Wang Jinling responded happily, and began to show her good eloquence. She started to talk vividly from the construction of vegetable sheds, and she spoke so passionately. Those who didn’t know that she was not talking about growing potatoes, but growing golden beans .

However, in the eyes of Lao Wang's family, it is almost the same as Jindouzi.

But all the ideas that can make money are all golden ideas, no one is hiding them, and no one will easily tell others.

The old Wangtou was overjoyed.

The whole family was overjoyed.

When I got excited, I didn't have the heart to eat. Everyone quickly pulled the food in the bowl to their mouths, wiped their mouths, and shouted to the women to quickly remove the bowls and bowls.

"The old three's house boils water for tea."


Seeing her grandfather blushing with excitement, He Xin'er felt sour.

It is difficult for farmers to earn money!
"Well, don't remove the shortbread, I haven't eaten enough yet."

Amidst the elated discussions, Wang Xiangzhong's anxious yell seemed rather abrupt, which made Wang Jinling giggle, "Are you a pig? How much have you eaten, and you still eat?"

He Xiner's heart skipped a beat.

If you want to talk about making money, it's better to make money quickly by eating and drinking.

Before that, she encouraged Mrs. Cao to build a food stall.

But looking at her, she seemed to be in trouble, and she had no plans to be her own boss.

After thinking about it, He Xiner guessed about seven or eight points.

I think I came to the Cao family because I was afraid that I would be bullied if I went out to do business alone.

Well, she made sense.

But this problem is not a problem in her grandma's house.

The old Wang family has plenty of hands.

Besides, the whole family is counting on the bean sprouts to make a living, and life is still not plentiful, only a little better than before.

He Xiner subconsciously turned her head to look at her mother.

Well, my mother's complexion is ruddy, her brows are clear, and she doesn't seem to have a lump in her heart.

Looking at her grandma again, the old lady was smiling all over her face, holding her mother's hand intimately, chatting happily.

Well, it's all right.

That's it.

"Grandma, grandpa, I have an idea to make money."

 ask for a ticket~~
(End of this chapter)

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