Chapter 1251 What is that look?

The old Wang family is destined to spend an unforgettable night.

Tomorrow is the day for Sun Daxi, the head of the house, and tonight I got two good ideas for making money.

It's all happy events, happy events!

The old king was very excited,
Everyone in the old Wang family was very excited.

"Fried dough sticks, steamed buns, shortbread, sweet foam, eight-treasure porridge, tea eggs... Sister, what else is there?"

Wang Xiangzhong sucked his saliva while counting his fingers.

Good guy, my cousin is too good, talking about so many delicious things in one breath, it made him hungry.

One must know that he had only finished eating six shortbread, and his stomach was growling.

"Chives box, egg pancake, oil spinner, meat clip mo."

The little girl Wang Jinling also sucked her saliva while counting her fingers. After counting, she hugged He Xiner's arm and smiled like a dog, "Sister Xiner, I want to eat meat buns."

"Well, I'll make it for you when I get back."

"Haha, Dabai must like it too."

"There is no one that the ancestors didn't like to eat..."

The two sisters talked very intimately, but Feng Shi and Jiang Shi were envious, and at the same time they were a little bit unwilling.

In other people's houses, the boy is a treasure and the girl is a grass. Why did they transfer to their old Wang's house and become a girl?

This bell girl is not only popular in front of her parents, but even Lao Ye's family also cares about her, look at this whole body attire, look at her round face, and her white and tender hands, you can tell at a glance Is a blessed Lord.

Jiang's eyes glanced at the silver bracelet on Wang Jinling's head, and then at her silver bracelet, feeling that her breathing was not smooth.

Damn it, let her take over all the good things.

So angry!

No matter how angry I was, I didn't dare to say anything more.

Especially at this juncture, girl Xin loves her the most.

Oops, my heart is almost twisted into a ball, it's so uncomfortable.

That's all, that's all, the dead girl's background is too hard, it's not worthwhile to get angry with her.

It is said that the dead girl can live such a decent life, isn't it thanks to the blessing of Lao Ye's family?
Therefore, we have to start with Lao Ye's family.

We have to start with Ye Xiner!

Lao Ye's family was already rich, and that girl is very smart, marrying her is like marrying a cash cow. . .

Feng's and Jiang's hearts were burning, and they stared at He Xiner with burning eyes, like looking at a big ingot.

He Xiner frowned slightly with her blunt and hot gaze.

What is that look?
They don't want to sell her, do they?

Bean sprouts back then, potatoes now, food stalls, the money-making ideas she provided to Lao Wang's family, although it was aimed at her grandma's face, but the whole Lao Wang's furniture benefited, it would be too much to use her ideas!
She seemed to guess why the mother was upset.

He Xiner was very sure that those two incomprehensible people must be planning something to offend her mother.

With this in mind, she was in no mood to continue accompanying her.

She has said everything that needs to be said. Next, they have to discuss how to buy household tools and so on, so it is none of her business.

As for those eating, there is no way to teach them at this meeting, and there is no time until the wedding banquet is over.

He Xiner faintly expressed that she was tired and wanted to rest, so she took her little cousin and Dabai who was squatting at the door to the wing.

Everyone in the old Wang family didn't think much about it, they just thought she was really tired.

After all, the little girl is delicate and expensive, and there are servants who cook in her own home, so she can reach out to use her hand, but when she comes to their old Wang's house, she goes straight into the kitchen and cooks for the whole family. normal.

When He Xin'er and her party left the room, the old Mrs. Wang couldn't help sighing, Xin girl is a good girl, and the old Wang nodded his head in agreement.

Uncle Wang also praised Wang for giving birth to a good daughter, and said that the old Wang family had entrusted her with her blessing.

(End of this chapter)

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