The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1252 Let's Go and See

Chapter 1252 Let's Go and See

Mrs. Feng and Mrs. Jiang also recognized that it was thanks to the old Ye family.

The food stall that girl Xin mentioned sounds like a glutton, and after making so many different kinds of food, it will definitely make money.

They are naturally happy to have a new job at home.

Didn't that girl say, don't underestimate some snacks, when they are ready, they can make more money than making a living with bean sprouts.

Good money, good money!
Don't look at those people in the village looking forward to their home, and the people in the clan even said sourly that their family is rich.

But I know my own affairs.

Ever since I made bean sprouts to make a living, life at home has indeed been much better than before.

But I can't stand the many flowers.

In order to talk about a good marriage with the boy in the family, he rebuilt the house, and only this one item was a big sum of money, which almost cost the family money.

I won't mention other items purchased at home, in short, everything costs money.

There is a common saying: Prospering a family is like picking dirt with a needle, and ruining a family is like pushing sand away from water.

Originally, the family could be said to be poor and white, with nothing, and to buy household items, everything needed money.

Add it in a mess, add it, it's not a small sum of money.

Fortunately, there is a fixed income, otherwise it would be cowardly to spend.

Finally tidying up the house in a decent way, it can be regarded as a sigh of relief, and saved some money, well, Xiangdong's marriage was basically filled in again.

The west and south directions below are all waiting.

Therefore, their family is not as rich as the villagers think.

The livelihood of this snack stall is simply timely rain!
Not to mention the lack of money at home, even if it is not bad, I am also happy, after all, no one thinks too much money, right?

Happy is really happy.

But he wanted to go to Lao Ye's house even more, and wanted to take He Xiner even more eagerly.

Do you know why?

The reason is very simple, one is because He Xiner has a lot of ideas and can come up with various ways to make money;
Another thing is, food stalls can make more money than bean sprouts, so why doesn't Lao Ye's family do it, but teach them to do it casually?
It shows that people don't care about such a small business at all.

Just think about it, would Wang Huijuan, who can dress like the mistress of a rich family, show her face on the street, frying fried dough sticks and steaming buns?
of course not.

Because Lao Ye's family must have a more profitable job, which is decent and easy.

It has to be said that the two of them got the truth.

They don't seem to be stupid.

It's just too greedy.

Not satisfied.

It's rare for Mrs. Wang to go back to her mother's house, and she wanted to say a few words of kindness to her own mother, but she was disturbed by others, and she couldn't say anything.

Isn't it late at night, the daughters have gone back to rest, and the big guys have to disband after a while, she has a lot to talk to her mother, and she has to talk to her father about her daughter, and express her attitude, no matter who It is also forbidden to hit her daughter's idea.

But now the old men of the old Wang's family are still talking about the food stalls, and they can't stop for a while.

Wang's mood was waning, and she couldn't sit still.

At this moment, little friend Wang Jinling ran in wearing only a snow-white jacket with her hair loose, "Second Aunt, Second Aunt, Sister Xin'er has a stomachache..."

Wang suddenly stood up and ran.

Old Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Lu were also anxious, "Okay, why does my stomach hurt, let's go and see."

"Hey, mother, don't worry, slow down and get used to it, it's dark outside, your eyesight is not good, don't fall again."

"Grandma, grandma, listen to me. Sister Xin'er said that she just needs to quietly tell Second Aunt to know. If you say yes, you don't want to mobilize people. Hey, I couldn't hold back when I was in a hurry."

"What's the matter with the teacher? The child suddenly feels uncomfortable. I don't go to see how I can rest assured."

"Then I'll hold on to Nai, and Nai will be careful with her feet."

It's not easy for the gentlemen to follow, but they are also worried, especially Uncle Wang, "Xin girl doesn't know if it's serious or not, or I'll go directly to the doctor."

Uncle Wang and Uncle Wang suddenly felt that something was wrong, and when they turned their heads to look, they saw Feng Shi and Jiang Si sitting there stupidly, not moving at all.

"You are a dead person, you didn't hear that the child's stomach hurts, why don't you go and have a look!"

Uncle Wang was almost dizzy by this stupid girl, and he wished he could step forward and kick her.

Although Uncle Wang didn't yell, he was dissatisfied with "Girl Xin is sick, you elders don't go and see, why are you staying here?"

(End of this chapter)

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