The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1263 Can I Learn From You

Chapter 1263 Can I Learn From You

The two ladies fought wits and bravery with a table of young girls to grab food. It felt very fresh and they had a great time, but they were not full.

In the end, when Wang Xiangnan walked towards the table with a small basket of steamed buns, He Xiner stood up and grabbed two without waiting for him to put it down.

Then he hurriedly stepped aside and handed one to the little cousin. The two of them hugged each other without eating, smiling like fools, watching those little girls rushing towards the bewildered Wang Xiangnan like wolves and tigers, and they were so happy from ear to ear. , I feel that I finally took the lead for a while, I am very proud.

Wang Xiangnan lowered his head to look at the empty basket with a dazed expression, and He Xiner laughed so hard that he nearly bent over laughing.

Little Wang Jinling also laughed so hard.

The little girls also laughed, shyly, as if the wolf-like people just now were not them.

He Xiner became interested.

She felt that these little girls were very real, they didn't pretend, they just did what they wanted.

She was unabashedly envious of the clothes on her and her little cousin, but it was limited to envy.

He Xin'er, who hadn't eaten whole grains for a long time, gnawed with relish on a steamed bun made of cornmeal, bean flour, and black flour.

There was Wang Xiangzhong's clever ghost feeding Dabai, and He Xiner didn't miss her great ancestor at all, and instructed her little cousin to find some red paper and red thread, as well as red yeast rice for rouge on wedding cakes.

"Sister Xin'er, what are you going to do?"

"Make red flowers."

This is a relatively simple craft.

Cut six pieces of red paper of equal size, fold them like a folding fan, tie them in the middle with red thread, cut them thinner at both ends, and apply a layer of carmine unevenly, and when fully opened, it will become a bright red flower.

"Wow! It looks so good!"

The little girl Wang Jinling was the first to join in, and the other little girls also praised with bright eyes.

"There is no green paper, so I can only continue to use red paper to make flower poles."

She rolled up a flower stem with the cut square red paper, dipped it in a little water and stuck it on, "Oh, I'm afraid it won't stick without paste."

"Sister Xin'er is waiting, I'll go find my mother."

"Hey, my cousin is back..."

Now that the family is busy and the adults are busy, they not only don't help but also add to the chaos, it seems a bit unreasonable.

Looking at the little cousin who ran away, the corners of He Xiner's mouth twitched.

As for so fast?

Not to mention, the little girl's speed is really fast. He Xiner just cut four flowers and leaves when she came back with a ceramic bowl in her arms.

"Where's the paste?"
It is not so fast now.

"My mother just boiled it, and she said she was going to paste something, so I brought it."

He Xiner...

It's just adding to the chaos.

That's all, let's use the things already brought.

First glue the flower leaves on the flower stem, and then glue them to the red flowers, and a paper flower is ready.

"Miss Xin'er is amazing!"

"That, that cousin of the Ye family, can I learn from you?"

"I want to learn too."


One took the lead, and the rest mustered up the courage to speak.

"There's nothing wrong with it, my cousin likes to just try."

He Xiner generously cut a pile of red paper and asked them to pick it up by themselves.

In fact, the making of this paper flower is simple, and it is easy to see at a glance. The little girls can understand it. What they asked is not whether they can learn it, but whether they can use red paper.

Life at home is difficult, and things are taken very seriously.

It's just a small piece of red paper, and no one is willing to give it to children to play with.

With He Xiner's consent, the little girls happily started playing, and after a while, more little girls were attracted to join in.

The first-rate eloquent child Wang Jinling cheerfully spread the practice to everyone, which is a bit of an honor.

A group of little girls, not to mention the excitement, all of them were very happy, and they were so happy that they picked up a big ingot.

After a while, under the leadership of He Xiner and Wang Jinling, a group of little girls happily went to the bridal chamber with a festive big red flower in their hands.

(End of this chapter)

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