Chapter 1264 Have fun

He Xiner and Wang Jinling were going crazy.

I had a great time playing with a group of little sisters whose names I still can't remember. It wasn't until the adults yelled to go home that I realized that it was getting late.

Lianlian was reluctant to send the little sister away.

He Xiner thought about her grandma's house, there were two tables of banquets for helpers in the evening, and there were a lot of other jobs, so she didn't have time to try making various snacks.

Can only wait for tomorrow.

It's not bad for this day at all, so I can stay another night.

She would never admit that she didn't have enough fun, she just wanted to play.

But things are always beyond her expectations.

After all the guests from afar had left, Mrs. Wang also directly bid farewell.

After He Xin'er was stunned for a moment, without any fuss, she took her little cousin to quickly pack up her things, and led Dabai to follow her parents back home.

The mother has her own reasons, and she just needs to do it.

Everyone in the old Wang family looked at Lao Ye's mule cart driving out of the alley with complicated expressions, feeling hopeless.

There are so many fancy food stalls, don't count on them.

Although Wang Xiangdong and his brothers didn't know what happened, they also felt that something was wrong when they saw the elder's face.

If Dafang and his wife hadn't been in the way of the eldest son's happy day, they couldn't help but want to beat Jiang up.

People have already made it clear that if a girl doesn't get married, she still insists on making a scene, making a scene like crazy. This is a good thing, and she offends people so badly that she doesn't even care about what was agreed.

At this moment, Mrs. Feng had long forgotten that she was also one of the people who annoyed Mrs. Wang into a rage.

The old Wangtou felt his eyes dark again, and an evil fire rushed up in his chest, but it was not good to make a fuss in the days when the eldest grandson was happy, and he had to suppress the raging fire in his heart.

Uncle Wang and Mrs. Jiang, who had been begging for half the night and finally not kicked out of the house, felt very cold in their hearts.

They just had one thought: It's over!I lost a good job as a public servant, and now I'm really going to be kicked out of the house.


He Xiner stayed at her mother's house, Ye Xusheng's heart was empty, and he often lost his mind, thinking about what Xiner was doing at the moment, and wondering if Xiner missed him...

He didn't see his little girl for a day and a night, he couldn't eat and couldn't sleep at night.

After school this day, he went home as fast as possible.

The girl in the yellow embroidered daisy skirt, like a lotus in the early water, innocent and innocent, ran towards him in the afterglow of the setting sun. There were tiny stars in her eyes, looking at him shiningly.

"Big brother, one day is like three autumns."

Ye Xusheng's eyes were as deep as a pool.

She said that seeing each other every day is like three autumns.

Suppressing the throbbing in his heart, his voice was a little hoarse, and he smiled lightly, "Are you having fun?"

"Oh, it's a pity that the big hall brother didn't go. Don't mention the excitement today. It's the first time I know that my grandma's family has so many relatives. They are both big aunts and little aunts. They all take care of the family. I want to eat Xi Noodles, haha... Speaking of eating Xi Noodles, I just want to laugh, the little girl at the same table with us is so stealthy, the time my cousin and I just picked up the chopsticks, a plate of dishes was gone It's..."

He Xiner happily shared what she had seen and heard, her eyebrows were dancing with joy, and she was laughing while talking, like a fool.

The corners of Ye Xusheng's lips raised high.

He Xin'er, who didn't see the eldest brother for a day and a night, became Yan Ran's little follower, followed the eldest brother to the East Kua courtyard, and went to the upper room with him for dinner, nagging all kinds of things beside him.

Ye Xusheng listened to her with a calm heart, always smiling, without any impatience.

"Da, big brother, I can't run."

He Xiner, who settled down with her little cousin, excitedly ran to Dongkua courtyard to look for the hall brother.

Then, I was dumbfounded.

She wanted to cry, how could she forget this, she shouldn't have come.

(End of this chapter)

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