The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1265 Does Xiner Have a Sweetheart?

Chapter 1265 Does Xiner Have a Sweetheart?
In the bright orange candlelight, the little girl's snow-white and tender cheeks had a suspicious blush, she was beautiful and bright, she lowered her head shyly, revealing a slender and graceful neck, like a flawless white jade~

She has a lively personality, it was the first time Ye Xusheng had seen her look so shy.

There was a strange emotion in his chest, his eyes were as gentle as water, and he felt something wrong when his right hand stroked her smooth and pretty face. He forced himself to move up slightly and put it on her smooth forehead.

"What's wrong with Xin'er?"

Slightly hoarse and deep voice, magnetic and seductive.

The subwoofer reappears in the rivers and lakes.

The lobby brother is so gentle!
She bit her lower lip lightly, covering her face shyly.

How to do?
Where is it uncomfortable? This, this cannot be said!

The little girl was really shy, her cheeks were burning hot, and the tip of her white and tender ears gradually turned crimson, under the light of the candle, she was so gorgeous.

Ye Xusheng didn't care about avoiding suspicion at this meeting. He held her soft little hand with his slender, strong and well-knit hands, gently held her face, and slightly lowered his head to look into her eyes. "What's wrong? Why is your face so hot?" sharp?"

The boy's handsome eyes were full of concern, and he was faintly anxious.

He Xiner rolled her eyes, not looking at her.

"No, it's fine."

Ye Xusheng frowned slightly.

His little girl is like a frightened deer at the moment, which makes people feel a little bit more pity.

The girl in the candlelight is as beautiful as peaches and plums, and graceful and beautiful.

Hiring more than thirteen curls, cardamom shoots at the beginning of February.

His heart skipped a beat.

"Ah, brother, don't look at me like that, the baby is shy!"

He Xiner glared at Ye Xusheng coquettishly, pinching her throat to show her arrogance.

The big hall brother's focused and tender eyes seemed to have a magical power, which made her sink, made her heart beat wildly, and an inexplicable emotion stirred in her chest.

It is the sweet feeling of being held on the tip of the heart, sweeter than honey, very sweet, very sweet.

It's like cooking a pot of honey beans in the bottom of my heart, gurgling and bubbling red.

It looks like a young girl Huaichun.

Ahhh, dying, she is still a child, besides, the eldest brother is her real cousin.

Ye Xiner, Ye Xiner, what are you thinking about?

Could it be that he was affected by the sweet and shy looks of cousin Xiang Dong and Xin Jiao Niang?

Yes, it must be so.

"What is Xiner doing that makes her shy?"

The girl has pink face and peach cheeks, red lips and white teeth.

Staring at the bright red lips with scorching eyes, Ye Xusheng's throat rolled slightly.

He was unbearably irritable, and said in a low voice, "Xin'er is good, the most important thing in exercising is persistence..."

He Xiner was ashamed and embarrassed.

Don't look at the big brother who is so tender now, he will disown his relatives after the demon instructor possesses him.

Thinking about the inconvenient few days every month in the future, she simply closed her eyes, gritted her teeth, stomped her feet, and said in embarrassment, "Oh, the baby has grown up, she is a big girl, and she can marry The kind that gives birth to a child..."

Ward day!
Let the thunder strike me!
What did the baby say?
He Xiner wanted to cover her face again, but found that her hand was on her face all the time, and the big brother's hand was also holding her hand, holding her face.

Her cheeks flushed.

Marry and have children?

Ye Xusheng was dumbfounded.

Xin'er has a sweetheart?
Who does she want to marry?

Who do you want to give birth to?

He was in a turmoil.


The big brother didn't respond at all.

He Xiner quietly opened one eye, and saw Ye Xusheng as if struck by lightning.

That's right, the eldest brother must have been stunned by her blunt words.

"That, that..."

Ye Xusheng's mind was buzzing. Xin'er went to her mother's house for a day, and when she came back, she called out to get married. Could it be...

With trembling hands, he supported the girl's thin and delicate shoulders, and asked in a low voice, "Does Xin'er have a sweetheart?"

He Xiner was dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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