The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1266 His eyes are all about her

Chapter 1266 His eyes are all about her

"Big brother, I'm only 13 years old, isn't it too early to talk about my sweetheart?"

Ye Xusheng was so determined, he frowned in confusion and continued to ask her, "Then why did Xin'er say she was going to marry and have children?"

He Xiner...

Is the big brother too simple or too simple, too simple?

It seems to have discovered a great secret.

She suddenly wanted to laugh.

In fact she actually laughed.

First she pursed the corners of her lips tightly to suppress the unstoppable smile, but she failed, then she smiled silently with her small mouth parted, but her eyes wandered wildly.

"Well, women can only get married when they are fifteen years old, do you know why?"

"Jiji means that a woman has grown up and her body has matured..."

Ye Xusheng almost bit his tongue.

No wonder Xin'er said that she has grown into a big girl.

It turns out, it turns out to be...

He is 17 years old, and he also knows a little bit about the signs of a woman growing up.

Ye Xusheng blushed instantly, and the blush quickly spread from his neck to the tips of his ears.

The hands on at least the girl's shoulders were astonishingly hot, and he hurriedly put them behind his back, his eyes flickering.

At this time, his mood was very complicated. He had the joy of "my family has a girl who has just grown up", and also had a faint sense of crisis surrounded by a pack of wolves. .

The girl in the cardamom age is born beautiful, with outstanding demeanor, so beautiful that she has attracted the attention of many people.

Thinking of Chen Xing and Guan Mingwei, his heart was hanging in mid-air, with nothing to lose.

He Xiner bit her lower lip lightly, tilted her head to look at the blushing big hall brother, felt a little embarrassed, twisted her hands, and whispered like a mosquito, "Well, that one hasn't written a fairy tale novel for a long time. It’s time for a story, Brother Dao and I will write it together, okay?”

"Well, okay, I will accompany you in the lobby."

Ye Xusheng, who was wandering in the sky, responded with a red face. While getting up to get a pen and paper, he took off the kettle on the red clay stove and poured He Xiner a cup of hot water.

"Xin' you feel unwell?"

"It's okay now. When I first came yesterday, I felt a little pain in my stomach, and my lower abdomen was very cold and uncomfortable."

"Drink some hot water to keep you warm."

"Well, thank you big brother."

After all, He Xiner has a straightforward personality, so she doesn't feel shy when she talks about things, and says what she has to say.

Ye Xusheng's gaze subconsciously scanned her lower abdomen, feeling the urge to cover her to keep warm.

His hands are as hot as a small stove...

Qing coughed, put away his thoughts that he shouldn't have, and began to think seriously.

The life at home is good, and there is no shortage of food. He hasn't prepared food for the little girl for a long time, but now the little girl...

The temperature of his cheeks rose again, so hot that he wanted to run to the mountains to enjoy the cool breeze.

He adjusted his breathing, calmed down, and continued to think: It seems that he has to go to the town to buy some supplements for his little girl, so that he can nourish his body.

Candlelight flickers, making the room warm.

The bright and beautiful girl is holding a small brush and writing seriously.

Her eyes were like stars, shining brightly, and her serious look was particularly attractive.

The book in Ye Xusheng's hand has not been opened for a long time.

His eyes are all about her.


At noon the next day, He Xiner stared dumbfounded at the table made by her mother to eat, and finally figured out why her mother had come home in such a hurry.

I dare to feel that it is inconvenient to cook for her at Lao Wang's house!

But is this too exaggerated?
Red bean and black rice porridge, sauced beef, mutton with angelica, stir-fried pork blood with leeks, trotters with peanuts, egg custard with wolfberry, pork liver soup with spinach, black-bone chicken soup with red dates and longan.

No wonder today, her father came back from the town very late, it turned out that his mother ordered him to buy a lot of ingredients.

I don't know where my mother knew so many nourishing recipes.

Such a mobilization of teachers and crowds, I don't know which woman gave birth to four cubs, her body is deficient, and she urgently needs nourishment.

He Xiner covered her face.

(End of this chapter)

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