The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1268 Chapter 1268: Why didn't she read well

Chapter 1268 Chapter 1268: Why didn't she read well

Ye Xusheng was expressionless.

The bottom of my heart is full of distress.

His little girl who loved him was wronged.

The whole family was silent.

Cao sighed inwardly.

The old lady is a blessing.

The second wife is virtuous and filial, and the second girl is kind-hearted. There are many good things that honor her on weekdays. Why doesn't she read good things?
Looking eagerly at the second room's money, she wished she could hold it all in her arms, and didn't think about whether the second master might let her succeed.

Little Wang Jinling pursed her lips tightly and kept silent, but in reality she was about to turn into a toad.

Even Mrs. Wang is about to die of anger. She pays for her daughter's health out of her own pocket, so what's the matter with others?

You don't need the money from the public, you just eat, and you still have to pick and choose, it's really chilling.

In vain for her mother and daughter to honor so many good things, the mother-in-law is heartless and cold-hearted.

The air pressure in the dining room was low and depressing.

Old Qian coughed unnaturally, then forced the corners of his mouth with a smile that was uglier than crying, and lowered his body to show his favor, "Second girl, sit down quickly, and eat quickly while the food is hot, little girl's house." At home, you should be more careful, you can’t eat cold ones.”

He Xiner...

Do I have to say thank you?
Forget it, there's no need to disturb the whole family because of a trivial matter.

It's not the first time I know her temperament, if I really care about her seriously, I don't know how many times I will be pissed off.

"Hey, I got it, eat more milk, especially the spinach and pork liver soup, it can not only generate blood and nourish blood, remove liver poison, but also beautify the skin."

He Xin'er smiled sweetly, that smile was so bright and radiant that it almost blinded old Qian's eyes.She subconsciously smiled back, "Okay, listen to you, the second girl is a good and filial child."

Xiaoqian reflexively wanted to roll her eyes, but she suddenly saw her husband looking over coldly, and she was so frightened that she hurriedly turned her head away.

Looking at the table full of delicacies, Ye Guihua's saliva is about to slip down, but her mother has nothing to do to get into a lawsuit, delaying her meal, she is so anxious to death!


The head of the family, Old Yetou, looked at He Xiner with satisfaction, and secretly praised her for being a sensible person, satisfied in her heart, and kind-hearted.

With the stance of the head of the family, the dark clouds that shrouded the dining room disappeared in an instant.

Everyone stared eagerly at the table full of delicacies.

They don't need to replenish qi and blood, they are purely greedy for delicious food.

The days at home are very lively, and I have eaten noodles, large and small, many times, but this is the first time I have seen such dishes.

Really important.

Lao Yetou held half a bowl of black-bone chicken soup with red dates and longan and drank it sweetly. He really wanted to praise this dish, but he couldn't say it. He always felt weird in his heart.

Ye Laijin was similar to him, every dish was delicious, he was in a good mood after eating, and couldn't help wanting to discuss it with his father and second brother, but he opened his mouth and didn't utter a word.

Don't mention the discomfort of holding him back.

As a result, a strange scene appeared at the dinner table: the men and gentlemen who usually spoke loudly lost their voices collectively, and one by one became quieter.

On weekdays, they only focus on eating, and the female relatives who don't like to talk are interested, especially old Qian Shi, who has to comment on every dish he eats, and ask Wang Shi how he cooks it.

Because of her mother-in-law's status, the angry Wang had no choice but to respond to her patiently. After you asked me and answered her, most of the anger in her heart disappeared.

The one who ate the most was Wang Jinling, with his mouth full and his bulging cheeks moving like a gluttonous little squirrel.

He Xiner smiled and drank black chicken soup from a white porcelain bowl, it was as sweet as drinking honey.

My father and my mother are the best parents in the world.

Turning to look at Xiao Xuyang who was holding the sauced beef in his little hand, he smiled lightly and said, "Is the beef delicious? Does my cousin like it?"

"Eat, delicious."

He Xiner laughed more and more happily.

She likes such an ordinary life. Although there are two top performers who jump out occasionally, it doesn't affect their family of three.

Most of the time it's peaceful and smooth, and that's enough.

(End of this chapter)

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