Chapter 1269

Food has the magical power to heal the soul, even Ye Feifeng, who is full of resentment, also eats with a smile on her face, and from time to time she goes to Ye Guihua to chat and laugh in a low voice.

The dining room is harmonious and harmonious, and the room is harmonious.

It would be better if no one jumped out to scare people.

Xiaoqian drank three bowls of black chicken soup with red dates and longan, and smacked his mouth in satisfaction.

At the risk of making her vomit, she abruptly stuffed another bowl of red bean and black rice porridge with brown sugar into her stomach, which made her feel full.

Wiping his mouth contentedly, Xiaoqian's old god was on airs, and ordered Cao who came back from dinner in the backyard and waited to clean up the table, "The fifth day of every month is my little day, Cao's memory Well, I will eat like this when the time comes. This spinach and pork liver soup that can beautify the skin, I make it every day."

The corners of He Xiner's mouth twitched.

Mrs. Cao remained silent, thinking that it's okay to eat if she wants to, and prepare the food by herself.

Ye Laijin was furious instantly.

He was thinking just now that he had treated their mother and daughter badly on weekdays, and was going to give some money to let her mother buy red dates, longan, brown sugar and other food, but this shameless and skinless guy actually said something in front of the whole family. little days.

The father-in-law is present, the uncle is present, and the son is also present, this bitch!
If it was anything else, he would have jumped and started.

But for this kind of thing, he became more and more ashamed.

It pissed him off.

In a rage, he put the rice bowl heavily on the table, and there was a bang, which made Xiao Qian's neck shrink in shock.

The warm and harmonious atmosphere on the table dissipated immediately.

He Xiner signaled to the little cousin to get out of the way, they don't want to see the best face, if they have time, they might as well go back and find Dabai.

Yuanyuan and Cuizhi are coming soon, they are chatting about fairy tales and making dolls, don't mention how happy they are, so don't ask for trouble.

The two young ladies flirted with each other, then got up decisively.

Just at this time, I heard her grandma say in disgust, "With your dark face, you can't eat any soup for nothing, it's a waste of money."

He Xiner grabbed her little cousin's hand in time, just in case she would laugh out loud.

In fact, she herself couldn't help laughing.

"Mom, how can you say that? I, I..."

Old Qian's face was sullen, and he didn't care about her, me, me, me, "Shameless and skinless things, in front of the whole family, if there are some, they will be bald along the corner of the mouth..."

Next, as a mother-in-law, the old Qian Shi severely scolded the little Qian Shi who was the son.

What is disobedience to women, what is disobedience to women's words, those harsh words, but any woman who hears them will be ashamed to death.

Xiaoqian is a thick-skinned person, so he doesn't listen to those words at all.

The gentlemen withdrew early, and Xiao Xuyang was carried away by Ye Laijin.

He Xiner and Wang Jinling are not in a hurry to leave this meeting. This kind of excitement is not for nothing, and it is also for nothing.

Mrs. Wang exchanged glances a few times, but the two of them just watched the excitement and didn't pay attention.

The Wang family was so anxious that he directly took the other out with one hand. This kind of harsh words like a shrew swearing at the street is not good, and it doesn't have to stain the ears.

As a result, as soon as the three mothers walked to the entrance of the main hall, the old Qian who had been scolding for a long time turned around and told Cao, "Make a bowl of spinach and pig liver soup for Osmanthus fragrans every day. At the end of the month, you have already prepared to cook such a table to eat."

The three mothers paused, and they were all a little speechless.

"Back to the old lady, there are spinach in the vegetable garden at home, but there is no pork liver..."

Reflexively dragging the two maids, Mrs. Wang hurried out of the way before old Mrs. Qian called her.

He Xin'er and Wang Jinling's little friends giggled and laughed endlessly.

It happened that they met Bai's mother and daughter and Liu's mother and daughter in the front yard. The two little sisters were even happier, and dragged Yuanyuan and Cuizhi to their own room to play for a long time before going to work.

(End of this chapter)

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