Chapter 1272

"Well, I came up with an idea for my grandpa to make money. It is to build a snack food stall with a variety of varieties and flavors, which can meet the needs of different people."

"After all, food is the most important thing for people. As long as the food business is clean and tastes good, there is no fear of no customers at any time."

He Xin'er only thought that her mother was in a hurry to go home because she came to Kuishui and caused a lot of inconvenience at Lao Wang's house, so she didn't think much about it.

In the past few days, most of her energy was spent on fairy tales, and she almost forgot about it.

Didn't the little cousin bring it up? She immediately regained her spirits. Her father and the eldest brother didn't know about it, so she just showed off.

Ye Laiyin also became interested after being told by her own daughter, "Tell me, Xin'er, what is there to eat?"

"I said, I said, I remember!"

The villain Wang Jinling rushed to answer with joy and anger, stretched out two chubby hands, counting "fried dough sticks, steamed buns, shortbread, sweet foam, eight-treasure porridge, tea eggs, leeks" with one finger. Boxes, egg pancakes, oil swirls, and Roujiamo."

Still not at ease after saying that, he stretched his chubby paws and counted from beginning to end, "Well, that's all, I remember correctly."

Both Ye Laiyin and Ye Xusheng were surprised.

"With so much food, can you come over here?"

Hey, Father's focus is different!
She also took it as her father's first words, asking her where she learned to cook those foods.

"My grandma's family has plenty of hands. Besides, shortbread, tea eggs, oil spinners, eight-treasure porridge, and sweet foam can all be made in advance. What needs to be made on the spot are fried dough sticks, steamed steamed buns, fried leek boxes and baked goods. Egg pancakes."

"How many pots does this cost?"

"Haha, there are quite a few things that need to be bought, but the stove, cauldron, and steamer are the ones that must be bought.

"Well, buying things is also for doing business, and you still have to spend money when you should spend it."

The father and son talked enthusiastically, Wang Jinling was holding a crystal bowl, eating porridge one by one.

None of the three masters paid attention to Wang's face.

Ye Xusheng's heart is as careful as dust, and he already felt something was wrong.

Xin'er provided such a good money-making idea to her family, why would Second Aunt be unhappy?
"Speaking of which, I was in a hurry to come back that day. I haven't taught the third concubine what to eat, and I don't know if grandpa and the others have prepared all the household items in the past few days. Why don't you go to my grandma's house tomorrow... ..."

"No need to go, just let it dry for a while."

Wang, who had been silent for a long time, spoke lightly, with a distant tone, which completely confused the two fathers who were chatting enthusiastically.

"Mom, what happened? Who offended you?"

He Xiner was only stunned for a second.

Thinking of the night at her grandma's house, my mother was not happy at all.

It was only after seeing that her mother's mood was obviously elevated that she came up with the idea of ​​a snack stand.

Did something happen later?
Ye Laiyin had already suppressed his smile, he said that the child's mother walked so quickly that day, it turned out that someone was making trouble with demon moths.

"what happened?"

Little Wang Jinling looked at this and that, put down the crystal bowl, "I'm going to play with Dabai."

Dabai has been quietly lying at the door, donkey-hide gelatin and lotus seed porridge, he always has a sweet tooth, but there are not many.

After eating the porridge, it was fine to be idle, it kept its eyes closed and fell asleep, and when the little girl called it, it jumped up without saying a word, ready to go out to play in high spirits.

"Xin'er went to play with Girl Ling, and lit the lantern at the gazebo."

"Hey, I see."

He Xiner gave the little girl a wink, and the two obediently took Dabai to the courtyard to play.

In fact, after the two of them lit the lanterns on the gazebo, they returned quietly and squatted under the window to listen to the corner of the wall.

(End of this chapter)

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