Chapter 1273 One more thing
Wang's heart is pressing, and she has long wanted to talk to her husband.

But in the end it was her natal family, she was ashamed to say it herself.

Especially Jiang's remarks, his heart can be punished.

It's good to bring this up today, just to discuss it with my husband. Xin'er sees her getting bigger and bigger every day, and their second wife can be regarded as a small family property, but they don't have a man to support the family, so they want to calculate in the name of marriage , there are many people.

If she finds an excuse to refuse, she will have to help her with an idea from her husband and eldest nephew.

"That day I casually said that I would find a scholar for Xin Er..."

"Well, that's a good point. That's it. Our daughter will naturally look for a scholar."

Ye Laiyin looked serious.

Ye Xusheng's heart was like a stormy sea.

Has his little girl been regarded as a fresh and delicious snack by a group of vicious wolves?

With him here, no matter whether he is a wolf or a dog, don't even try to plot against Xin Er!
He clenched his right hand tightly.

His eyes were deep and dark, unfathomable, and he couldn't see the bottom at a glance.


"I, Ye Laiyin, am still alive and well, but I dare to take advantage of my daughter and my father's family property. I really blinded her!"

"The child's mother is right, just leave them alone, don't talk to them for now."

"If it's not for the sake of father-in-law and mother-in-law, Dabai will scare her half to death!"

Ye Laiyin was furious.

Ye Xusheng was extremely annoyed.

The two ladies outside the window looked at each other.

He Xiner pointed to the West Wing, the little girl hurriedly nodded, the two of them stooped and half squatted and quietly moved out along the wall, Dabai was watching the fun with great interest.

Ye Xusheng's ears moved in the main hall, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

It's good to know, she has always had an idea, and she won't be easily deceived.

There was something that had been on his mind for a while, and he couldn't respond lightly. He was always hesitating whether to talk to the second uncle, but there was never a chance.

Now that we are talking about this topic, there is no need to keep it up.

Now that his grandma has moved his mind, he can't change it easily.

"Second Uncle, Second Aunt, there is one more thing..."

Ye Xusheng talked about old Qian's and Ye Guihua's calculations in a flat and calm tone, but his face was extremely cold, and his eyes were as deep as a pool.

Wang's eyes were red, her hands were shaking, and she was angry.

Ye Laiyin sneered, "Everyone comes to plot against my daughter, plot against my second wife's money, and treat me, Ye Laiyin, as dead!"

"A dear grandmother and a dear aunt, cheating my daughter like this for money, good, good!"

"It's in vain that my daughter bought them some jewelry and clothing materials, and made them delicious and delicious food on weekdays. They, they..."

Wang's tears fell like rain.

Old Qian's house was a wolf's den, everyone was like a wolf and a tiger, she didn't dare to think about what it would be like for her delicate girl to fall into the wolf's den...

No, no, absolutely not.


Ye Laiyin's eyes were as cold as frost.

"Hmph! In the future, my wife and I, don't try to take an inch of cloth from us."

Recently, the wheat in the field has to be weeded, fertilized and watered. I was busy harvesting potatoes before, so I accumulated the work in the field.

The leeks on the several acres of land also need to be taken care of. Every morning, a few baskets are harvested and sent to the town together with the bean sprouts.

In short, there were a lot of things, and Dabai had never been taken up the mountain to hunt.

But the meat at home is not broken, it is all money from their second wife, as well as eggs.

Ye Laiyin narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a deep voice, "The children still have to grow up, so the family's meat won't stop, but..."

He smiled coldly, "Ye Osmanthus will marry another day, the second room doesn't have any money for her, and my second room doesn't have any relatives like her."

As for his mother?

Ye Laiyin snorted heavily.

As a son, it's not good for him to talk about his own mother behind his back.

Based on filial piety, although he can't do anything, he will keep this account in his heart...

(End of this chapter)

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