The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1275 To avoid the false name

Chapter 1275 To avoid the false name
Xiaoqian secretly rolled her eyes.

Isn't it just a pancake sandwiched with meat, what's so wonderful about it?

The little girl can really play movies!
It's just cooking a piece of meat, as for the chaos of a few hours, I'm not afraid of it turning into mud.

"The basket on the left has chili added, and the basket on the right has no pepper added."

He Xiner smiled and looked at the big brother who scooped up the porridge for her, and out of the corner of her eye, she looked at her nonchalant aunt, who stretched her paws at the roujiamo with chili.

In order to prevent someone from howling and affecting everyone's meal, He Xiner hurriedly explained.

Hearing this, Xiaoqian's black claws immediately changed direction, and quickly grabbed a non-spicy Roujiamo.Muttering in his mouth, "A pancake is about to boast flowers, can it still taste like ginseng..."

Ye Xusheng paused for holding the bowl.

There was a sense of powerlessness in my heart.

Xin'er shouldn't have been wronged like this...

He really felt distressed. On the other hand, He Xiner didn't feel the slightest bit. It's not worth getting angry with that kind of person.

"Yeah, delicious, this taste is really amazing!"

"The steamed bun is delicious, and the meat is also delicious, and it tastes even better together."

"Bite into the steamed buns, then drink some porridge, it's really comforting."


None of the female relatives spoke, and they ate very intently, especially Wang Jinling, whose mouth was full and his cheeks were bulging, like a greedy little squirrel.

At this moment, Xiaoqian couldn't care less about the dislike, and ate five roujiamo in one go, which was so full that he couldn't sleep, and even drank two bowls of porridge with pickles, until his throat was stretched.

Xiaoqian's mother, when she eats food, she is called a cruel person, and she is called a person who does not recognize her relatives.

Fortunately, Xiao Xuyang, who is more than two years old, can already eat by himself, and Ye Feifeng is also watching over him.

I saw him holding up a small white and tender hand, holding a small rougamo, eating sweetly, ignorant and innocent eyes, looking at the food in his hand very seriously, taking a bite to look at it, and then looking at it after another bite Look.

It seems that I can't understand why it becomes smaller.

He Xiner looked interesting and couldn't help but smirk.

The corners of Ye Xusheng's lips rose, and he was in a good mood.

The simple dinner was enjoyed by the whole family. There was not a single piece of finished meat bun left, and everyone was full after eating it all.

Old Yetou smiled and praised a few words, Wang Jinling immediately said that this Roujiamo is a trivial matter, and her sister Xiner will make Xiaolongbao tomorrow.

He Xiner was silent.

The little ancestor was too low-key.

Come on, the cowhide has been blown out, go ahead and do it.

As a result, the entire Laoye family came to eat food, making Xiaolongbao, leek boxes, tea eggs and so on in different ways.

Now that the food is delicious, everyone is in a good mood, no one deliberately finds fault, and the whole Old Ye family is in harmony.

Especially the careless old Qian, who ate so much that he didn't notice her second son's cold gaze and increasingly alienated attitude.

Now the soybeans and mung beans used at home are all bought from the grain store, and there is no need to pick and choose clean ones, which liberates the mother and daughter of Shangfang and Dafang.

Seeing that the old Qian didn't care about the affairs of the sky, he put on the airs of an old lady and dragged [-] to [-] yuan all day long.

In addition to eating and drinking, the rest of the mind is all about dressing.

It's not going to be summer soon, she is waiting for the second room to buy her new clothes, make new clothes, and add a piece of jewelry by the way, it would be even better.

But she waited and waited, but she never saw the mother and daughter of the Wang family expressing anything.

Old Qian was too lazy to carry it, and asked for it directly, but Ye Laiyin who was present directly turned back, "I haven't seen any old people who change new clothes all day long. Who doesn't wear a piece of clothes for seven or eight years?" year?"

"Well, you are an unfilial son. If you don't want to pay the money, just say it directly. Why do you compare my old lady with those poor people, so you can't see my old lady well and bury her?"

"Why can't it be compared? Is my mother two heads longer than others?"

"You unfilial son..."

"My second wife has honored so many good things, but I haven't gained a good reputation yet. My mother-in-law called me unfilial. To avoid the false name, my mother should hand over all the good things I took before."

(End of this chapter)

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