The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1276 It's definitely not about money.

Chapter 1276 It's definitely not about money.

Old Qian was so angry that he fell backwards!

It's fine if you don't buy summer clothes for her, but you still want to take away her good things!

"Being your mother's daydream!"

Old Qian jumped up and down and scolded people.

Ye Laiyin snorted coldly, ignored her, and left with a cold face.

After all this fuss, the mother and daughter Wang left long ago, who still has the time to listen to her scolding people here, it is really enough to see her face.

Old Qian was so angry that he swore in circles in the upper room.

"If you keep making noise, get out!"

Old Yetou scolded angrily.

Holding the cigarette stick in his hand, he rubbed it subconsciously, wondering why the second child suddenly became so fussy.

During this time, no one provoked him!
"Did you do something to be sorry for the second room and annoy the second room?"

The second room has plenty of money in its hands, and Wang's mother and daughter are also generous. Every time before the season changes, they buy clothes and cloth for them early, and add jewelry to the old woman and sweet-scented osmanthus during festivals.

Has always been generous, appropriate and thoughtful.

But just now when he looked at it, not only the second child had no plans to buy anything, even the mother and daughter of the Wang family were also determined.

This is strange.

"It's a big injustice. Recently, my mother is almost laughing and becoming a Maitreya Buddha. How can I offend him?"

Speaking of this, old Qian feels useless.

In the world, which mother can scold and beat as much as she wants, but when it comes to her, she doesn't talk about human relations.

When you get old, you have to live by your son's face.

The more old Qian thought about it, the angrier she became, and she kept chanting and cursing, making Lao Ye frown in annoyance. She didn't bother to talk to her, and walked to the backyard to feed the cows.

His clothes are not old or young, and he doesn't care about making new clothes, but he just can't figure out what the second room means.

A few days ago, the second girl was very happy to cook and eat, but their second room paid for it by themselves.

Don't say anything else, just say that the whole family loves to eat the Roujiamo, but they have made it several times.

For such a big family, eating meat with an open stomach, the cost is not small.

I didn't see that the second child was unhappy.

It's never about money.

The problem is still with the old guy.

Just when Lao Yetou couldn't figure it out, Lao Qian's family came to the door again. This is not a girl, but a kid, saying that their master is busy and can't take care of the work in the field, so let the kid come and give it to her. They beat hands and helped with the work in the fields.

Especially when the wheat will be harvested in a few days, let the two boys help them harvest the wheat...

These words were not said by Qian Dafa, but old Cui's chattering non-stop, repeatedly emphasizing the consideration of old Qian's family.

Lao Yetou didn't believe a word of her, and frowned impatiently.

Following Qian Dafa and Mrs. Cui were 15-year-old Qian Hua from the first room, and 13-year-old Qian Gui from the second room.

Two and a half boys, standing quietly behind old Cui, looked quite orderly at first glance, but the tricks of the two of them circling around in pairs made people dislike it.

Old Yetou was upset.

According to Qian Dafa's temperament of being useless and not early, he guessed that the other party must be planning something again.

Thinking back to the situation when the old guy sent his two granddaughters, he immediately guessed the other party's intentions and couldn't help being furious.

The old Qian's family really did everything for money, sending their granddaughter to pester the eldest grandson for a while, and sending the grandson to plot against the girl in the family.

It's downright disgusting.

According to his guess, the other party's target should be the second girl.

After all, the second house has a lot of money.

Really dare to think.

Don't piss to see what kind of virtue I am, so I dare to think about the second girl.

If you dare to make up your mind, just wait for the second child to get angry!
Thinking of this, his heart suddenly moved.

Thinking about it, I found it impossible.

Put aside the matter of the second room for the time being, let's talk about the immediate matter first.

"The family has always been with those fields, without adding or adding. The three of us have been doing this for so many years, and we have already gotten used to it. No one helped us in the past, and we don't need anyone to help now."

(End of this chapter)

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