The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1278 Isn't This Kid Stupid

Chapter 1278 Isn't This Kid Stupid

At that time, Qian Dafa and old Cui were all very proud.

Thinking of her own daughter who gave birth to two golden grandchildren of the old Ye family, she is a great contributor to the old Ye family's hard work, and the family status is as stable as Mount Tai.

Correspondingly, his old Qian's family definitely had more face in front of Lao Ye's family.

By the way, it's nothing to take advantage of Lao Ye's family.

Unexpectedly, it was considered empty.

In the past two years, they watched Lao Ye's family become rich, and they didn't take advantage of it at all.

Except for the recipe for bean sprouts.

Speaking of the bean sprouts recipe, Qian Dafa was so angry that he didn't remember the kindness of Lao Ye's family at all, and instead filled with resentment.

Therefore, Lao Qian's family used Lao Ye's recipes to earn money, while angrily cursing Lao Ye's family as ruthless.

The four daughters-in-law headed by Jiang sarcastically ridiculed Qian Lianhua more than once that she is useless, and that she is not as good as a sonless person in Erfang.

Qian Dafa also complained a lot about his daughter.

After learning about Xiao Xuyang's physical illness, he complained even more, blaming her for being ignorant, not up-to-date, and ignorant of her natal family...

Just like that, Qian Daguang was so focused on complaining about Xiaoqian, figuring out how to get rid of that clever girl in the second room, that he never thought of visiting his sick little grandson.

Before coming to Lao Ye's house this time, he put all his energy on his two grandsons, and told him over and over again that he must take down the two girls of Lao Ye's house.

Yes, Ye Feifeng, He Xiner, he wanted them all.

The eldest grandson will be an official in the future, so it's fine if he doesn't like country girls, he doesn't want to offend the future official.

But neither of those two girls can run away, they must all marry into his Qian family.

Only in this way can Lao Ye's family be firmly tied.

Only the old Qian family can really take advantage of it.

Qian Dafa's mind is full of interests, he just forgot his little grandson to go outside Jiuxiaoyun.

Not a single strand of hair came to mind.

At this moment, he suddenly saw the villain in Ye Laijin's arms, white and clean, obediently holding a big bad wolf doll, looking over with clear and innocent eyes, he couldn't turn his mind for a while Come.

This kid looks so good-looking, could he be a fool?
Although he had seen few people before, he had never heard him call someone. He thought it was because the child was still young and afraid of others. Since his granddaughter came home to learn the tongue, he regarded his little grandson as a fool in his heart.

But now it doesn't look like a fool at all.

Yes, he was a little confused.

Qian Dafa is very scheming, no matter what he thinks in his heart, but he doesn't show it on the surface, he is also calm, no matter what happens, he will sum it up immediately.

For example, now, he just thinks of his little grandson looking at Bingxue's cleverness, not stupid at all, it seems that the girl is talking nonsense.

Well, he just said, Lianhua is a lucky person.Although she is not valued by Lao Ye's family for the time being, but with two clever and clever sons by her side, she will have the final say in the future of Lao Ye's family.

Thinking about it this way, let alone the comfort in my heart.

But he is a person who can hold his breath, but he can't stand someone who can't hold his breath, such as old Cui.

The first time she saw the snow-white and pink Xiao Xuyang, her first reaction was "Isn't this kid stupid? Why..."

After she realized that she accidentally said what was in her heart, it was impossible to take it back.

Ye Laijin was furious.

Lao Yetou and Ye Laiyin were furious.

Even old Qian was not happy.

"That, that..."

"My son is fine. What does the elder concubine mean by cursing a child like this?"

Although Ye Laijin became the son-in-law of Lao Qian's family, but he never changed his mind, and he was still called uncle and concubine.

Old Cui couldn't hold back his run-on old face, and yelled, "Liu Jin is also my grandson, what good is it good for me to curse him? It's not that I heard that a two-year-old person can't even call someone. I'm not worried." him?"

(End of this chapter)

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