The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1279 Why Are You Here Again?

Chapter 1279 Why Are You Here Again?

Ye Laijin said with a cold face, "Eldest sister-in-law's words are fooling ghosts, and ghosts don't believe it."


"To shut up!"

Qian Dafa reprimanded with a black face.

You idiot with more than enough success!
What do you think in your heart, do you have to say it?
Who ever heard people say that their child is stupid and not angry?

What a fool!
"Hua'er and Gui'er haven't called out yet."



Qian Hua and Qian Gui are quite on the road, with a respectful attitude and a warm tone. Compared with the past when they would rush to grab food with red faces, they have improved a lot.

But Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin didn't like them very much, and they didn't respond.

When they don't know what the other side is up to~
Just at this time, Xiaoqian came in with the curtain on the door, and when he saw his parents and two nephews, he subconsciously said, "Father, mother, why are you here again?"

Qian was so angry that his forehead swelled.

What is this saying, what is it called again.

Old Cui yelled and scolded, "You unfilial daughter lives in a spacious mansion by herself, eats delicious food and drinks spicy food, and doesn't want to be filial to her parents, so she despises her!"

The scolding made Xiaoqian stunned for a while, "I just asked by the way, mother, are you scolding for being unfilial and unfilial?"

These words directly stabbed old Cui's lungs, as if he had suffered a lot of grievances and suddenly broke out, yes, even crying and howling.

Although they kept accusing Xiaoqian of being unfilial, in reality they ran against Ye Laijin ruthlessly, saying that he would not leave the Yue family in the second year of junior high school, and saying that he did not miss the old love, all kinds of things, endless.

The door curtain was lifted, Ye Feifeng stood hesitantly at the door, Ye Laijin waved him in, and carried Xiao Xuyang out.

The three generals were silent because Xu Yang was there, not because he was afraid of the old Qian's family.

"You have no conscience, you live a good life by yourself, eat delicacies from mountains and seas every day, and don't think about your parents who eat corn bread. Look at Mrs. Wang, but my mother knows that she went back to her mother's house in the second grade of junior high school, pretending to be full of food. A load of good things, ouch, why did my old lady give birth to you so useless..."

Xiaoqian was so angry and ashamed at being scolded, she blushed like a monkey's ass, she couldn't help refuting a few words, saying that their first wife has a second wife and money, and so on, which made old Cui scold her even more loudly. use.

Old Yetou frowned, rubbed the cigarette stick with lowered eyelids, and dismissed the quarrel between the two women.

On the other hand, old Qian was very irritated when he heard it, "Sister-in-law ran to Lao Ye's house just to swear at people for us?"

Hmph, this old guy doesn't know who he learned this trick from, and he can act for others to watch.

See if you can do it, why not go to heaven.

Old Cui was choked by her words, and when he was about to speak back, he saw his old man glaring at her fiercely with eyes that looked like he wanted to eat people, and he froze immediately.

Why did she forget the purpose of coming here today?

Ah, it is serious to leave the grandson at Lao Ye's house and kidnap those two girls.

It's not been a day or two for Lao Ye's family to be eccentric, why do they have to run on people with cynicism at this juncture, isn't this just to offend people?

Obviously, I had thought about it before coming here, but why I suddenly lost my temper, really.

Speaking of which, she was all blamed on Ye Laijin, that unfilial person, which made her confused.

Old Cui was very annoyed.

He acted too much just now, and now it's too late to pretend to be kind and friendly, and the expression of grievance and accusation is still on his face.

Qian Dafa gritted his teeth in hatred.

He was obviously a stupid one, but he pretended to be a shrewd one and messed around, which made him mad.

"Cough, cough, the old woman is a knife-mouthed bean curd, scolding fiercely, but thinking about it in her heart. We only found out about the six catties not long ago, but it made us feel bad.

This is not thinking that the eldest nephew and Lianhua Jiantian are going to take their children to the town, and the work in the field may be too busy, so I made an agreement with the eldest sister early on, and let Huazi and Guizi come to help..."

(End of this chapter)

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